
HILLARY i seen her today in person i hope you all are taking the time to listen to her facts of how she?

by Guest55841  |  earlier

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intends to turn things around she the rite choice i believe wow~~~~~im open lets hear your and please be kind!




  1. most if not all political candidates promise what you want to hear. they learn how to look and sound sincere when speaking to you, they even have coaches that train them to do this well, (i saw the coach she used on a show) I am not as easily confused though because I don't see the world thru the eyes i did as a 18 year old , political words are only that while on the campaign trail, and some even attempt to achieve some when in office but usually fail because when there idea is examined by experts it falls apart. an example you may want a home built just off the shore to listen to the waves splash the bottom  but clearly storm serge's and drifting objects would soon destroy it. sounded nice but only for a dream. There is no perfect candidate running this time but this isn't the time for reckless spending and un realistic  proposals, this leaves Mc Cain and he ain't my dream candidate either but you can blame some fellow Democrats for that. they voted for him in the states that allowed free elections to get him past the stronger Republican candidates, they believed it would assure a democrat gets the office.

  2. Hillary would tell you anything you want to hear. Those who have been close to her in the past years have left her; they know what she is and how undependable she is. She has been caught in so many lies intelligent and influential people do not want to be associated with her. Look at the number of Clinton advisers that have left her, many of her own staff have switched. There is no way she could give even half of what she promises people; you need to remember the president needs congress to approve almost everything and she has not been able to get democrats or republicans to support her in the 15 years as the first lady or as a senator. She claims to have "so many good ideas and opportunities for America," where have all these ideas and opportunities been while she has been in the senate; did they jugs come to her or is it that no-one else considers them worthy?

  3. Yes, I listened, but her tactics are detrimental to the party.

    The Republicans have been disastrous and if she continues, she will be contributing to the further downfall of the nation.  Now that the people are wise to what Republicans have done, Hillary can behave differently.  She does not have to support and copy Republican tactics anymore.

    As a bright and valuable woman, she should join the team and step aside as all the Republicans have done for Juan McCain.

    Become a critical part of the new cabinet and make her mark there...on the TEAM.

  4. how do you know she isn't lying?

    since she does it so much

  5. Chelsea Clinton works for a hedge fund, whose founder is a big contributor to Hillary's campaign. They specialize in buying up foreclosed real estate and bankrupt companies, then sell at a profit.

    With this economy in such bad shape I don't know how Chelsea's firm can afford to be without her as she campaigns for her mother.

    As the economy tanks, the fortunes of the Clinton's grow and grow and grow.

    It's the perfect scam. Create business conditions so harsh that businesses fail, stocks crash and homeowners face foreclosure. Behind all of this is Chelsea Clinton, rushing in to buy up the assets for pennies on the dollar at the bankruptcy sales. Then later, after some favored tax break or regulatory relief from Mom, the assets will rise in value and be sold for a large profit.

    How much has Hillary earned since she made $100,000 in pork bellies off a $1,000 investment?  (remember Refco?)

    What is Avenue Capital Group?

  6. I will be kind, yet I can not forgive her for supporting Bush's war in Iraq,  Given the best case scenario,  if she was duped, it would be wrong to give her greater responsibility.

    If she was just acting as her constituents wanted, then she is merely a politician and an irresponsible one at that.

    I can over look anything but supporting Bush's war.

  7. I saw Obama today on the view & he was fabulous. I wish we could see all the candidates more. I won't vote republican but I would like to even see more of McCain because the other 2 are scrutinized so much more because they do some much more. i'm a Hillary supported but I think you would like to see Obama on "the view" it is on put the date of 3-28-08 & of course Obama the view, to find it.

  8. I respect your decision to support Hillary...I supported Bill Clinton and was very regretful soon after...Hillary and scandals go hand in hand...there is the white water scandal,travel-gate scandal,renting out the Lincoln bedroom for profit scandal, Rose law Firm scandal, Mena Arkansas money laundering scandal, she is now involved in yet another illegal fund raising scandal,and tampering with evidence in the death of Vince Foster....I choose not to support her because Hillary and Bill are  the true American Gangsters but I'm glad to see you exercise your right to vote

  9. I'd be cautious about using the words hillary and facts in the same sentence, since she is tired and misspeaks and misremembers things.

    like her 35 years of experience that is being exposed as being over exagerated, and her landing  in Bosnia under sniper fire.

  10. The Nice version?

    She is a lier to the people.

    She embodies everything she says she is against.

    She is a crook.

    She is a communist in socalist clothes

    Oh I give up, go ahead and support her, what do I care.....

  11. Pics or it didn't happen.

  12. well,   you could use the education that the Dem's are offering...(I seen)     but  then also you must admit that she stretches the truth quite do we put a lot of faith in her agenda????

  13. Wow! people really get going when a question comes up about politics. I think it would be funny to have a "first man" in the White house.

    Vote for me please!

  14. She coughs to avoid important questions.

    and she constantly lies about the past, can you really trust her with the future.

  15. No worries.  She will.

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