
HILLARY will be coming back in 2012 saying u should have picked ME?

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HILLARY will be coming back in 2012 saying u should have picked ME?




  1. Like someone mentioned, she claims she wants the party united but honestly she is dividing it, because now her supporters are real mad and are going to vote for sad

  2. By 2012 Hillary will be living on her husbands millions with a new younger man.

  3. yes, she probably will,,, Her not conceeding to Obama last night  was a bad move on her part,, Her behavior and actions were disgusting.. She should have shown respect for Obama and the democratic party... As usual she was thinking only of herself.. Obama in his speech showed great respect for Hilary Clinton,, And he was clearly  the winner not her..Bet she has been sitting around pouting all day !Her  behavior was deplorable, and plain tacky !! About as low class as you can get on her part... This should lose her the chance for being Obama's running mate,,If somehow she would get chosen,,bet her and Billy Boy,, will  try to act like she is the president,, they would try to run the show,,She is acting like an ostrich with it's head buried in the ground..She doesn't even know what's going on, she's so into herself . I wouldn't vote for her for even dog catcher,..

  4. I wouldn't be surprised. She has succeeded in dividing the party to ensure that it is her or no democrat. So maybe you are right, maybe she will come back in 2012. But we are still going to remember what she did in 2008.

    I could have looked back and said she was a fighter and a strong woman but i look back and say, she is a sore looser and very selfish and shortsighted in her quest. She says she wants the party united but she is doing everything in her power to make sure her supporters leave this election with a bitter taste in their mouths and a feeling that they have been cheated. She of all people should know better. This is poor leadership skills she is demonstrating

  5. Remember what happened to Al Gore when he did the same thing.

  6. And other people will say what about The Green Party or as another in this section would say let's play Eeny Miney Mo and  not  let  Global Warming go if that Tiger hollers  this time don't let it go. That is exactly what Democrats and Repubs are playing Eeny, [Clinton, Mcain Miney and Moe  Obama.


  7. McCain will be to tired to run again, I agree with you.

  8. lets say she does. she already rubs alot of people the wrong way,oh brother,this attitude would  never go over.

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