
HIs disinformation and media bias caused the biggest political division in history?

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It seems nobody knows where to get credible information anymore because all the agencies portray their own bias. Do you think that this has had any effect on the massive division in political choice? Do you like it this way?




  1. "Just the Facts" are not a part of any Media these days. Seems every single outlet has some sort of Bias to them. I feel that the Media plays a huge role in the way people are  going to vote. In these Conventions watch the razzle dazzle - the opponate with the most sparkles wins!!

    I do not like it...  

  2. What an awesome question?  Yes I think the media and their left wing liberalism agenda has further divided the country.  They have lost all credibility in 08.  They refused to tell the real story about Obama and if it was not for Fox we would have never known.  Where do we go for information? If most Americans are like me...the newspapers are out and the magazines are worst.  NBC and CNBC are just Obama home videos.  ABC has lost it.  ESPN also sold to Obama.  Their is no balance and no dignity.  It is ashame that the United States Press Agency has lost/traded their journalist professionalism; to be obama press agents.

  3. Those that are actually in control want the country divided. That is how they maintain control. The two-party system provides the means and the media is their tool for propaganda.

  4. It's a combination of many things;  media, corrupt politicians, the differences in ideology and the extremists in both parties.

  5. It just underlines the general level of ignorance in this country.  That people need to rely on pundits and commentators for them is embarrassing.  I blame the bahhing masses more than the media.  They're simply catering to the lowest common denominator.

  6. What elitist B/S I 'm reading ''convincing people to vote Republican We must stop it''

  7. Two big disasters for the country, Ronald Reagan abolishing the fairness doctrine, and Bill Clinton deregulating ownership rules on broadcasting.  Its been a nonstop freak show ever since with bozos like Limbaugh and Hannity and O'Reilley pumping out their BS over the public airwaves, convincing basically good but gullible people to vote Republican, leading to the economic catastrophe and warS we are in today.  This problem must be fixed, or the country is going down, its that simple.

  8. I only trust Thom Hartmann on Air America these days

  9. Yes, the disinformation and bias of the mainstream Western media, as well as the Israeli media.

  10. Yes, it has. I do not like it.

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