
HMMMMM... showname???

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my horses name is PRINCE right and when we bought him off the previous owner thats the name they called him. but i looked in his passport and his real name is MAWAL (arabic lol) so like do i have to use tht name in shows and stuff? cos like i dont speak arabic and sutff soo?? do i have have to use MAWAL in shows?




  1. if you are doing county shows you have to use the name in his paperwork, if its just local shows there is no need

  2. hmmmmm..... change the paper work if you dont like it (costly and not worth it) Or as i did with my one horse (his show name...well i'm not going to share it) but i used his barn name (again i didnt choose the barn name but it was better then his show name) of walter. either case i wouldve gotten lots of funny looks for either name, but your not riding a name your riding the horse.

  3. I think you only have to use his real name in a breed show. (whatever breed he is) If it's an open show, you can use whatever name you like.

  4. choose something thats appropriate for the type of horse it is and sometthing you like.

    this is something you should figure out on your own so that it is special. :]

    no one knows there horse better then the person who owns it.. haha  

  5. What about Right To The Point my friend was gonna use it I thought it was perfect but she didn't

  6. Sexcride? you are aware that sounds dodgy?

  7. Don't think u have 2. Just change it.
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