
HMV Delivery Help?

by  |  earlier

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I ordered an in stock dvd on the 30th April, Which i had an email saying it was despatched on the same date and the order status changed to completed, today the 7th may, i still havent recieved it. Should i have this by now?

ive never had a problem with them before




  1. You would have had it by now but since it has been the bank holiday - all deliveries will be on hold for a day.

    I would ring them up and give them the dispatch number and explain your order has not arrived and see if they could assist you in when this is likely to arrive

  2. /

  3. give them another call ask for a tracking number then call the delivery people may just be late due to bank holiday.

  4. Remember it was a Bank Holiday on monday so there was no post. I've waited 9-10 working days before for something so I wouldn't worry.

  5. Phone them up and ask them to send you the delivery tracking code which will allow you to check where your item is or if it has been lost or damaged, alsofind out what parcle force they use to send your item and ask them as well for a delivery tracking code , if it doesnt come in 2 weeks then i would ask for a refund.
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