
HOLLISTER EMPLOYEES: How to checkmy schedule, when its posted, and what to expect the first day?

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Also, I recently applied as an impactor and got the job, and I start next week. Could you tell me what I should do on my first day? As in, do I go straight to the back, clock in and then ask my manager what to do? I went to orientation but they didn't tell us what we would be doing or anything, so I don't know what to do when I get there and what to expect? Help is SO appreciated. Thank you!




  1. Don't be surprised that orientation didn't answer all your questions. Usually the managers throw it in between stuff they need to get done and just hurry and get it out of the way.

    Clocking in/out and checking your schedule are pretty easy. Go up to any of the computer screens at the cash wrap and press clock in/out.

    It will display five options for you -

    1. Clock in/out

    2. Request time off

    3. View this weeks time card

    4. Print schedule

    5. Check mail - don't worry about this one, you'll never use it

    You'll press option number four and a little receipt tape will print out with your scheduled days on it. Usually you will have 4 to 5 shifts per week each about 4 or 5 hours long. You will also most likely have a call in shift on your schedule, and on those days you will just call an hour before and ask if they need you and would like you to come in.

    As an impactor you will mainly be working in the back but occasionally work on the floor as needed. I/E: cash wrap, betty's 1, fitting rooms, etc.

    You will be working with what is called a USR gun. Everything that is purchased throughout the day will be transfered and listed on the USR gun so we know what to put back on the floor throughout the day and at the close of the day. You will also be folding what is called go-backs and backstock. Go-backs are what go-back out onto the floor and backstock is what we will be putting back in to the rolling bays where we keep the clothes. You will learn all the techniques on how to fold and where things go. You will also learn the number system in the back and how it works. I/E: every color has a certain number assigned to it and in time you will memorize them. You will also be processing shipment with your Stock Lead in the back. (Leader) They are kind of like a manager but they are strictly in charge of what goes on in the stock room. You will learn how and where to put sensors on the clothes and where in the bays they are placed.

    Also, don't ever switch to the model position. It is so boring. Being an impactor we are allowed to sit in the back and talk on our phones, eat, or listen to music on our system that we have. All anytime we want. Now this depends on your manager but most of them are way nice and you will learn how they feel on each of these subjects.

    You won't really have the best training there is at some other jobs but hey, it's Hollister. What do you expect?

    It's a way fun job and I hope you end up liking it. Don't quit after the first couple of weeks. That's when you start to understand everything and really fit in. You'll love it. Let me know if you have any other questions about working there! I hope this helps! :)

  2. should have asked at the orientation  ......just call and ask

  3. Ok Is Very Easy Don't Worry

    I Also Just Started 2 Weeks Ago As And

    Impactor Your gonna Punch In Ask the Manager Bring

    Your ID Orientation Is Lame I Know Hate The Video About Shoplifting

    You Got To Call In For Your Schedule The First Time Call On Wensday

    Then Just Get Your Schedule At The Register Don't leave without A Manager Walking You Out That's All Really

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