
HOMESCHOOLERS how do you feel about this??

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Are you satisfied with the amount of friends you have or how often you get to see them?

Are you getting boyfriends or girlfriends or is it harder because you're homeschooled?

I'm a homeschooler so I'm just wondering if any of you feel like I do...




  1. Absolutely. I get to hang out with my friends for hours every day, doing stuff that I want to do.

    I've been with my boy for 15 months now.

  2. Yes, I use to attend a private school and the students their were very stupid. I left to be home schooled so I can go to college two years earlier. I see my really good friend once a week. I see lots of people I know at church. So I am not completely hopeless. Although it is impossible to meet guys. I feel kind of the same way.

  3. My kids are still rather young--7 and 10--and are fine with how much they see their friends and with the number of friends they have. They were never in public schools and have not adopted the mentality that they need to have lots of friends or see them all the time.

    As for the teens I know, those who were unhappy made a point of finding ways to make more friends. Most of them have not adopted the mentality that you have to have a boyfriend or girlfriend as a teen--they are quite content waiting (and no, they are not all Christian) and not getting themselves into something that's most definitely not going to last. They enjoy simply being friends with boys AND girls instead of seeking out some romantic relationship so that they feel good about themselves; they already feel good about themselves. That said, I do know some who did have boyfriends or girlfriends. But it wasn't as though they were actively seeking to find a boyfriend or girlfriend, things just kind of developed with people they had met and saw frequently.

    It sounds like you are feeling lonely and that you feel that having more friends and/or a boyfriend will make you feel better about yourself. How you feel about yourself comes from within. When you develop that confidence, you'll naturally seek out and do the things that will enhance your life. And you won't be worried about how many friends you have or if you have a boyfriend or not. You'll know that you are okay just as you are.

  4. I'm actuall 13-seventh grade-homeschooler.

    I'm not satisfied but even when I was in school i didn't have friends. I see them very often

    I think it's easier.

    I was bullied to death and went through very very bad emotional trauma that scard my life. This is my first year and I'm doing it for seventh and eight and that will be enough time for me to build up my self estem and go back for high school. Right now anyways it's working because I am independent. I'm ahead of my grade right now. It's much harder because you actually learn things while in most cases public schools in the USA only study for the FCAT. Discipline is much stricter and I have way more responsibilities. When I grow up I am planning on homeschooling my kids for better curriculum.

  5. I'm not home schooled, but I will say this..

    Most home schoolers I know, have TONS of friends!

    Being home schooled gives you more chances to meet friends!

    If you feel like you're missing out socially, join clubs, sports.... anything that you enjoy doing and you'll have the oppurtunity to meet others.

  6. i get homeschooled as well, honestly i hate it... when i meet up with my friends we catch up for a bit then their isnt really anything to talk about because we dont have anything in common anymore.. we dont share the same lifestyle and now they have their own group of friends... its definetly harder to have a great social life because many people think we are weirdos because we dont go to school but we have our reasons and sometimes they cant see that and judge us (or me anyway) for that, im in my last year of school and find it hard to socialise, study and do other stuff... because when your at school you socialisie in class or during lunch and then go home and study whereas with me i just study everyday and exercise everyday...

    but saying all that if i had a choice i would still get homeschooled it has allowed me to do what i love everyday, ive met different sort of people, not friends but ive aslo seen things most people my age dont... have an intimate friends isnt important now, when you are out of school it will be heaps easier... if your finding it gets lonely join a community sport like netball or soccer or join a youth program at church or something, you will meet great people..

  7. I have plenty of friends! Maybe thats because I just started going to school online but I still have teachers and I meet new people through the program I am in.

  8. All the above answers are onto something: it's really about the kind of person you are. The bottom line is, if you're a social person who likes to meet people and hang out, you'll find a way to do those things whether you're homeschooled or regular-schooled; if you're not that kind of person, you won't.

    Life is whatever you make of it, after all.

  9. Hello,

    I have a few friends but do not get to see them much as of them most have moved.  But I am happy anyway.  As for boyfriends or girlfriends I don't much care about that right now. Also I live in a small town so that might lower my luck a bit.

  10. I think it's all about how you think about it. You know, appreciate what you have. Maybe I would have had more friends if I wasn't homeschooled but I love the ones I have and try to make plans frequently. I join activities and whatnot and make friends that way. The same thing goes for boyfriends. I joined activities at the local YMCA, and other organizations to meet people. Once you go to college it gets a lot better. You'll be able to make more friends and see that you really haven't been missing out on much. =)  I'm in college now and if I had to do it all over again I'd still choose home schooling.

  11. I hate it!

    I have no friends....

    Almost no social life!

    Never had a girfriend....Because I don't meet girls! And because, they all have boyfriends....AT SCHOOL!

    Grrr....If I ever write a book....It's going to be why homeschooling is wrong!

    But that's just me, lol....


  12. Well, I used to be homeschooled and well it was fun. I had science class with other homeschooled kids and one of the kids was my boy friend. He and I enjoyed it until I left the state of Virginia. I now live in Utah and am doing part time school.

  13. My BEST BEST BEST friend that ive known since kindergarden has a good amount of friends ONLY because she keeps herself busy with sports and such. But she said she is getting sick of feeling like she is so not normal compared to others so she is applying for high school this year ;)

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