
HONESTLY, If you won the lottery, do you think you'd change much??

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We've all seen how money can change people for the worse. Are you one of them?

Do you think you'd Change? If so, how? For the worse or better? Would you sincerely follow thru with any humanitarian contributions or just go off on a spending spree??




  1. First I would donate to a worthy local church.

    then I would be a humanitarium philanthropist!

    Yeah I would spend on expensive toys/cars for myself.

    my dream is to build a GREEN, NO-FOSSIL MIDDLE-EAST FUEL and ENERGY SAVING city  !!!!!

  2. Well, I would be able to get large fries with my Big Mac.

  3. I've always noticed how friends will say, "I'll give you a new car if I win the lottery!" or something extravagant.  And always in the back of my mind like a little voice says "yeah RIGHT!"  Like I already knew that I would not be on that way if they won.

    I hope that if I won I wouldn't give in to the hedonism like I see on the lottery disaster programs, but I guess anyone is susceptible to the green demon.  Geez...I can't say I wouldn't go a little wild on some major fantasies!!  I suppose this would be the test of how much character I've got.  I've always said I'd like to do something for women in dire straights, victims of domestic abuse, rape victims & homeless women.  Especially elderly widows who are just dumped out on the street.

    Below are a few stories of people who lost their millions, one went on food stamps even!!

  4. You are allowed to give $11,000 tax-free to any friend or relative.  Would people think you were cheap if you only gave your friends $11,000 out of your $1,000,000?    The tv shows say that everyone who wins the lottery wishes that they hadn't won.  that is sad.

    The big question for me would be quitting my job.  What would you do when you got up in the morning and didn't have to go anywhere?  

    I hope you win the lottery so you find out the answer to your question.  

    One of my friends won $2.3Million in the Arizona lottery.  He invested all of it in the stock market in 1999.   In 2000 the market for "tech stocks" crashed and he had some money left but he wasn't rich any more.

  5. I'd have to leave really quick cause everybody would be knocking on my friggan door!  I'd just disappear big time! Get a p.o. box and hide out in another country, have a hoot!

    Later when the coast is clear I think I'd still put alot into these environmental programs I'm interested in.  Maybe build a green sustainable home!  Get the word out to the masses to reduce carbon emissions...that would be great.

  6. Honestly! Well i would like to think i would donate a ton of money to charity but realistically it would be around 10%.

    I would probably pay off debt, then blow half of it on c**p, then realize that was stupid and save and invest the rest,,, you can only have so much c**p until you realize its all just stuff.......

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