
HONESTLY do you value or dislike pretension or pretentious persons?

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We all know the right answer is to say no... but really think about it, when you meet someone fitting this description do you show more respect because they seem to be "above" you, or do you feel a sense of semi-pity that could likely just be acknowledgment of what they really are.

just curious, and as always open-minded rants, opinions and feelings open...




  1. Define pretentiousness.

    I've noticed that most of the time when the term pretentious is used, it tends to be used as a way of bringing someone down a peg or two, especially if it's someone the other person doesn't like or happens to be jealous of.  I wonder why it is these days that people would rather pull down someone else instead of doing the work to lift themselves up. Just because someone wants to improve themselves and have something nice or better in their lives, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

    Example:  years ago, on a first date with a guy, he called me "pretentious" because I spoke standard English rather than so-called "Ebonics", that I "dressed up" for the dinner date (wore a skirt instead of jeans) and that I mentioned that I like going to afternoon tea, antiquing and going to classical music concerts and plays.  For some reason, this guy (who happened to be white) thought I should "act more black", dress more "street" and be into rap or something...and he even had the nerve to say "you don't have to be so pretentious to impress me!"  That really pissed me off. Needless to say I cut that date short. He obviously wanted to "go slumming"...and he picked the wrong person for that!

  2. I neither value or dislike. I don't give the issue any thought at all really.

    Too busy with my own life to be bothered I suppose. I hope you get some interesting answers though. Best wishes. UK

  3. dislike

  4. I can understand this thing having been what you call pre-tense for many years. A few weeks ago my family doctor explained that my bad nerves are part of anxiety trend which many people have (a sort of fear of doing difficult things or associating with doubtful people). Today there are medicines for this problem and I am slowly beginning to acclimatise to my particular treatment which may take some time to become effective.

    As for liking the person, well naturally a pleasant relaxed smiling person is a lot easier to be with than one who is nervous or tense. But to dislike them because of this suggests that the problem is more with you than the nature of the person involved. If you are open-minded you must realize that when two people don't get on well the faults are on both sides. A really well balanced person (like the traditional boy scout) manages to cope and to smile in all circumstances.

    Grow old along with me

    The best is yet to be!  

  5. I am told I'm very condescending, more so towards pretentious people.

  6. When I meet someone pretentious my first impulse is to burst their bubble.

  7. Honestly, it find it rather humorous to see someone "putting on airs".   Some of the people that I respect the most are some of the most humble people you could meet.  The reason I find pretension humorous is because it seems to me that they must have a poor self-esteem that they are over compensating for or possibly ignorant to the fact that all men(and women ;-) are created equal.  I treat everyone as my equal giving respect only to those who earn it and deserve it.  Give me "REAL" any day of the week.

  8. Yes, I do.

  9. I don't mind it ONLY when it is validated. It bothers me to death when people who are unintelligent act pretentious  

  10. I like them, they are easy to offend.

  11. Depends on what they are talking about

    I happen to be a big watch snob, so i like to hear people talk about their expensive watches or stories that involve expensive watches they used to have

    When not talking to me they would be considered s****. and pretentious (IE bragging about their wealth) but i enjoy hearing it

    If they talk about cars, wine, vacations, restaurants, hand bags and other things i have no interest in then i hate it when people are pretentious

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