Question: does lancer (not evo) compare to like..maz 3, civic, corolla?

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interms of speed (power/preformence) handling...gas...reliability..built quality (very important)...comfort... bargain (me getting the best deals ...kinda important )

ps...resale value is not that important to me...cuz i usually dont sell it..i just drive it till it blows




  1. Mitsubishi is horrible quality for a Japanese manufacturer. I'm inclined to say the Civic and Corolla are the best overall though it depends on the year since Civics were most efficient in 92-95 and Corollas are currently significantly more efficient.

  2. The Mazda is the best driver for sure out of these (get it with the 2.3 liter engine), but will it last as long/be as reliable as a Corolla or Civic? I doubt it. Corollas are the weakest handling of these four though, so I would buy the Civic, it's amongst the best in every category you list above.

    And for the guy who says don't get a Civic because too many people have them - there is a reason why so many buy them.

    The Lancer would undoubtedly be my last choice out of these four despite the good styling and warranty.

    1 - Civic

    2 - tie between Corolla and Mazda (you break the tie by deciding what is more important, reliability and durability, or styling and drive quality)

    4 - Mitsubishi

  3. The new Lancer is a pretty good car. t is one of the best styled of the bunch, but it does not have the performance to back it up. It remains very sluggish and has tons of understeer. Though quality has improved on it since the last generation, it is still light years behind Honda.

    If I were you, I would turn away and look at the Mazda 3. The Civic is too popular and the Corolla doesn't excel in any category except MPG. I would try to get something with a good resale value because incase anything happens to it or you, it would be nice to get some cash back rather than nothing.

    Good Luck

  4. It's really not that fun to drive. I had such high expectations going in to test drive it, and i was so disappointed.

    the steering is stiff, the acceleration is slow, and its not fun to drive AT ALL.

    But the evo, now thats another story.

    Out of the bunch, the mazda 3 and the honda civic SI are the most fun to drive, and most stylish. the mazda 3 is quick, small, and good on gas, while the civic is great on resale value, safety, and reliability. the SI model is also a lot more fun than the regular LX/EX models.

    And the corolla? frankly, that car is annoying. The only thing its good for is MPG, which the honda beats anyways. Its more of like a "HEY! look you have a corolla?! i have a corolla! lets compare!" sort of reaction.

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