
HORRIBLE throat pain!!

by  |  earlier

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i don'tt think its a "soar throat"

because ive been using all this FAST ACTING soar throat stuff and its not working!

like i can barley swallow a drink even

it hurts SOOOO bad to even swallow even nothing. just swallowing in general!!!!!!!

please help me!

what do i use?

and what s wrong with my throat!!?!??!

oh and btw:

i had a horrible headache yestarday and i was laying down alll day

so its not JUST my throat





  1. Its probably Step Throat because its hurts like h**l, and has all the same symptoms u put.

  2. its possibly mono if ur taunsils are like golf ball sized. or it is possible its strep throat but strep throat usually comes with a ever or i have seen a time were a sour throat was a mix of both strep and mono

  3. you have deep throat syndrome

  4. Have you got a fever?

    It may be a sore throat.

  5. Oh no! Sounds like you have strep throat. I remember when I had it and it hurt to swallow ANYTHING. You should go see your doctor so they can diagnose it and prescribe antibiotics if needed. Get well soon!!

    "Strep throat is very common among kids and teens. Symptoms of strep throat include fever, stomach pain, and red, swollen tonsils.

    Strep throat usually requires treatment with antibiotics. With the proper medical care — along with plenty of rest and fluids — your child should be back to school and play within a few days."

  6. You could try gargling salt water, I know it sounds disgusting but it helps with tonsils, incase they're swollen...make sure you spit it out after gargling lol! ps take some painkillers to kill the headache (the dissolving ones)

  7. You could have a severe case of Strep throat. YOU NEED to get to a doctor or the hospital as soon as possible. This is not something to mess around with because if left untreated, it can cause heart and other organ damage. Get off this site and get to a doctors office or Emergency Room.

    "If your child is not treated for strep throat, he or she is most infectious when the symptoms are the most severe but could remain contagious for up to 21 days. Lack of treatment — or not finishing the prescribed course of antibiotics — also could put your child at risk for other health problems, such as rheumatic fever (which can cause permanent damage to the heart), scarlet fever, blood infections, or kidney disease."

  8. You absolutely have strep throat.  I get it about once year pretty bad.  It is terrible.  It is in fact a very sharp pain.

    the virus will last 7-10 days if you go untreated, but you will contagious for 3 weeks.

    Please get on medication.  You are HIGHLY contagious until you have taken the meds for 24 hours.

  9. see or atleast call a doctor

  10. sounds like tonsillitisis gargle with soluble cocodamol or soluble asprin

  11. see a doctor

    it could be your tonsils or mono

    id really know im just guessing from personal experience

  12. Go to a DOCTOR!! why are you even online when you could be calling one right now??!

    seriously you could be in danger

  13. maybe its strep throat
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