
HOW About them Republican Family Values?

by Guest60306  |  earlier

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Are you prepared to improve yours by copying theirs?




  1. lol

  2. How ugly and partisan. I'm sure your family values are wonderful by comparison. The way you constantly just prattle on about mean things about the opposing party. Your mother must be very proud.

  3. lol what values they have nun they just act like they do plus there a bunch of hypocrite's

  4. they have none

  5. rite cause i want my teenage daughter getting knocked up...^_-

  6. Before you guys criticize this girl maybe you should read this article on Obama's mother getting "knocked up" when she was 18 with Obama and the subsequent shotgun marriage...I know you guys usually don't like reasoning with facts but in this case I think it's appropriate:

  7. Yeah, and how about that Republican fiscal responsibility?  And that Republican nonintervention?  And that Republican stance against illegal immigration?  

  8. I guess a real family value is to love children. Gov. Palin loves her daughter and supports her. it's a common american story, i just can't undertsand why in many dems heart there's such a bile and malice.

  9. Didnt you get the memo from your messiah Barack that family is off limits?

    Aww..he will be displeased if you disobey

  10. At least they aren't killing innocent unborn children.  

  11.   Well, at least the republicans have values.

  12. Not once did Sarah or her daughter think about killing those children because it would be more convenient for their lives.

    I would call that family values.  

    Morals isn't something you use when nothing goes wrong, it's used to determine what path you take when something does go wrong.

  13. Keep up the shameful attacks and keep on making Obama supporters look worse! Thank you!

    Everyone knows that even the best family can have a child make a mistake, because you cannot sit with your 17 and 18 year old kid and hold their hands every second of their lives. You should really be ashamed of yourself. Her 17 year old daughter has NOTHING to do with this race for President and the McCain ticket's ability to lead this country.

  14. They are scrambling in their hypocrisy to justify this!!!!

  15. Gotta love how Jamie Lynn Spears was the media darling, depicted as "brave and courageous" by every left media outlet when she got knocked up.

    Yet someone who, who is a year older that she is, gets knocked up and suddenly it is the worst thing in the world.

    Talk about a double standard.  

  16. How about that left wing hypocrisy! You say you support women's rights but are obviously reaching for anything to knock her down.

    Do you think that a woman shouldn't be a candidate for VP.

    How about a woman's right to choose? For you does that include the right to choose to keep your baby?

    What I see is a woman like millions of other American women balancing the responsibilities of family and career.

    Like many American moms she is dealing with the challenges of children who make the wrong choice.

    Sarah Palin is just like us, not a hotshot lawyer from Harvard.

    I would be care full not to attack her to viciously. You just might be attacking middle America, those of us that live in the fly over states. You know those that cling to guns and religion.

  17. I have always been an independent, but reading these comments makes me sick for the democratic party's people. You are attacking a 17 year old child. It is sickening. What if this was your child and some bitter person you did not know started insulting them. Now what if it was a million bitter people.

    Your own candidate ( not your VP candidate, and Not your VP's child) did drugs and more then just a couple in his past. I read a few upset posts that Obama's brother was noticed living in a shack.  I have yet to read 6 pages of forums and news headlines denouncing their place in the respectable human world because of this. Fair and equal media is as lost as  prehistoric man. The trolls posting this poison only add to the hatred in the world. Is this the CHANGE your candidate brings? Hatred, bigotry, endless scrutiny of your neighbor, and wide spread witch hunts?

    You claim you want a candidate who understands the everyday American.  Palin  is up front telling the truth despite what you and your high and mighty ideals may dictate. She is a mom before she is a candidate. That speaks volumes. I for one like to see her put her family first.  

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