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Native american and irish, french ,polish,german, i have quite abit of native american and im 17, i had a moustache not a very good one, but it takes about a year for me to grow one and it still isnt full, and yes ive hit peuberty, i have stomach hair and hair in all the other parts if u know what i mean,lol my girlfreind told me im s**y enough without it but i want facial hair, so ive been shaving nonstop everyday and i know alot of people say that shaving doesent help but i have no other option besides waiting it out but im getting tired of that,lol HELP PLZ!




  1. Some men dont have to shave their facial hair as much as others. Its not a question of manhood just genetics, I have some Mongolian blood in me, apparently thats why my face is not so hairy. Everywhere else is. Shaving is a bore anyway mate. Getting cut and having to do it every morning is just a drag. Think yourself lucky.

  2. im 15 and i can grow a better beard then my 20 year brother and it bugs him but he just hates shaving tho so he is kind of happy but just be happy that u dnt need to shave like everyday

  3. Facial hair growth is almost entirely dependent on genetics and ethnic makeup. Also during your teenage years, you only grow about 50-75% of the facial hair you will once you reach your 20-30s.

    THe best way to make hair thicker, is to save regularly. If you don't want to shave it off completely, gut an electric trimmer and set it at the 2nd to lowest setting like 1/8 to 1/4 inch and trim every other day.

    Its like mowing the lawn, repeated trimming stimulates the hair follicles to grow more and faster, if you don't touch the hair it dries out and stops growing!

  4. Not everyone is meant to have facial decoration.  In my case if have a

    wispy funny mustache.  People told me I looked like a ******* (Latino iillegal).  I finally shaved it off to the relief of my wife.

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