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My brother is 10 years old and he's getting fatter each day and it's not baby fat. All he does all day is spend atleast 7 or more hours on the internet playing online games and watching people play video games on YouTube. When I yell at him to stop he won't stop until our mom tells him to turn off the computer and when he does all he does is watch television, eat microvable foods and fast food, and play video games on his DS and gamecube and wii. It's getting me annoyed.




  1. Talk to your parents about it and get them to help you. He is only ten, it is not too late to change his eating habits. If he doesn't cooperate you can take away his computer, and limit T.V. time and such.

  2. U could help by asking him 2 do an activity with U. Like basketball, soccer, volleyball. And get him involved. Most people don't get exercise cause they think it is boring by themselves. With U there 2 encourage him and have fun he will play less on the computer and burn calories.

  3. Um not to be rude you are doing the same thing arent you sitting down? you should be setting a good example for him. As for me i don't go outside because if you live in texas you would kno why it's to danm hot it just ruins my day anyways play a sport or something sheesh

  4. Thats not good. I used to be like that, and trust me, its difficult to not be lazy 6 years later...

    Ok, The only way I can think of is to get him to play outside with you or people or something. Find an outside game he's actually interested in and get him to play it with you (or others). You just gotta convince him that its more fun to be outside than inside.

    The only other thing I can think of is to convince your parents to completely get rid of your game systems and lock him from the computer. At 10, hes  still probably too young to realize his life will be h**l if he lives it behind a screen. So use force if necessary for his own good I guess.

  5. Ever  heard the saying " Am I my brothers keeper? Well your not..why don't u worry about yourself ?  If u want to help ..u would stop YELLING and ask him to go out and play with you and spend time doing fun activities. I would also guess that your attitude toward him being fat and lazy isnt helping his self esteem or your relationship..just my two cents.

  6. it may be annoying to you, but it's not your say.  your parents are the ones to make lifestyle changes for your brother.

  7. uggh my lil bro does the same except he's to skinny lmao

  8. Hi, Please take this from a mothers point of view. There is nothing YOU can do to MAKE your brother do anything or change anything. Hes only 10. He is the way he is because your parents have allowed him to. It is THEIR responsibility to get him off the couch and away from the computer. If they both have to work and you two are home alone then its up to him to make the decision to get off his butt and do something. If your mom is home then its up to her to realize what is happening and to get him off his tushy... Maybe you can just simply talk to her and say, "mom, im fearful for my brothers health and life. THat he spends hours upon hours at the computer and tv and its making him sick. He WILL have diabetes before too long and that will greatly hinder his health AND can hinder his life in so many ways. But understand this,,, YOU ARE NOT responsible for your brothers health or lack there of, thats your parents job... good luck to you.  

  9. Well, you should make it so he can't play, like, unplug the computer, unplug the tv, unplug themicrowave, take his ds charger away (it should run out of battery soon enough), encourage him to eat healthy foods(or disguise healthy foods into fat foods, like.... apple fries, orange with chocolate drizzled on top (MMMMMMM XD) banana+ peanut butter sandwich,  orchocolate covered blueberries. If you're old enough try to make him something healthy. I like to add lots of tomatoes, celery, herbs, to my omlette. Oh, and take something of his away. He is your little brother right? I mean I have an older sister, and my sister tells my parents reasonable reasons to take some of my stuff away for things i did. (She took away my DS for a season because I dropped an egg trying to make omlette(small hands), but I'm better at cooking now, and have steadier hands. She said once I'm able to carry 6 eggs across the street I could have my DS back, so after a few months I was able to do it.)You should take his DS away and put it on a very, very high ledge, (He'll have to climb to get it, and what I'm picturing in my mind it'll be pretty tough.) and say that you won't get it down until he weighs

    uhh, I dont know... 10 pounds? Oh, but don't push him too hard and crush his self-esteem.( he might go belemic.) Oh, and one last thing, tell your parent about this. They actually gave him a DS, a gamecube, AND a wii! DAAANG! Once your parents realize they're giving their son fat by the pound, they'll probably stop giving him microwavable foods.

    Good Luck!!!! Hope this helps!

  10. Ask him if he wants to go on a walk, bike ride, or run with you to the local park and then talk about how his lifestyle could lead to serious health problems

    If he doesnt agree, just tell him that you care about him too much and that he really should start making better choices: as the saying goes, you are what you eat.  

    Lastly, you only live once so why would you ruin your childhood, your time of freedom and fun over a bag of dorritos???? save it for a special treat. i no its cliche but its true..

    Good luck to u all and i hope that your little brother will start making some better decisions and live a long, strong, and healthy life!!!

  11. Take the sandwich out your mouth and get off the computer!

  12. idk Just sit down and tell him how he could end up... how much does he weigh?

  13. Be a good example and stop playing around on Yahoo answers...

  14. You and me both, my brother does the same thing and is around the same age, what i like to do is mess with him and hide the power chord to a bunch of things and he "Breaks a sweat" running around the house looking for anything he can find HAHA

  15. I think you should worry about yourself and make sure you are fit and healthy, as while you are able to tell him your concerns, you have no control over how he chooses to spend his time. His mum and dad is the only one that can make him change his ways. No good getting annoyed with things you can't change, only your brother can do this.

  16. Offer to go play basketball or go swimming ... Motivate him by being hyped to go do something and convince him to come.

  17. Be like "Hey wanna hang out?" evreynight and go for walks. Ask your mom to replace all the food in your cabinets to fruit and veggies he might hate it but its a sacraface you should make for him. Play games with him and by night he should be tired and for a 10 year old sleep is very important.  

  18. Hide the junk food, games and then tell him to live with that for a week.  

  19. You aren't his parent...if your parents don't care, then YOU don't's his life and your parents problem. You live YOUR life the way you want and let others live theirs..

  20. my sister is the same way

    but she 18

    ugh it bothers me so much


  21. Tell him all the exciting things that happen in life like take him where you and your brother have never been before.

  22. Show him what happens when he just does that.

    (( ie: show him a fat guy on the computer. ))

    Say, "This is going to be what you're going to grow up to be."

  23. try to get him out of the house and do something fun or find a sport he might like and go play it

  24. Well if your the big brother or sister, show him what the big kids do, encourage him to get up and learn football with you, or softball or any sport really. Take him to the park and play around iwth a friseebee try something that might lure him, tell him afterwards you could go out for pizza or ice cream, BUT be strict on the amounts you let him go for let him eat 2 pieces MAX and for ice cream a medium or a small size should be plenty.  

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