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  1. depending on your condition, give your scalp a good rub with both hands. this will bring oxygen to that area and will increase circulation.

  2. selsun blue is the best dandruff shampoo!

    lots of people have great results with neutrogena T-Gel as well.

    I would go with the Selsun Blue though, it works amazingly

  3. This is a scalp problem. There are shampoos that are for dandruff as well as over the counter dandruff treatments.

  4. First begin by washing your hair in cold water instead of hot water.... hot water causes irritation and dryness. also shampoo on a daily bases. and lastly if these dont work go buy selsun blue and do everything i told you to do including the selsun blue

  5. I do not have dandruff, but to prevent it, i use Herbal Essences "No Flakin Way" in Cucumber. Its awesome, and smells good. How much greater can that get?!?

  6. This is what they do for babies who get really bad cradle c**p (dandruf like scabs) get your scalp wet sprinkle on some baking soda not powder, let it sit a few min. then start to message in this removes most of it, it makes your head a little sore if you scrub hard or too much at once it might take like 3 shampoos to be totally gone depending on how bad your head is, then I know for ecema they put vaseline on it and it helps but is hard to get out of your hair so try that or a proven is redkin makes a spray in conditioner for men in a little green bottle to prevent and make it disapear follow up with that, hope it helps good luck!

  7. I use to have VERY BAD case of dandruff.  My hair looked gray, I had so much of that stuff.  People would look at me like I was dirty and didn't like washing my hair.  I washed my hair with head and shoulders but that didn't work.  My cousin reccommended me to use Selsum Blue.  My dandruff was so bad that I once had a huge flake of dead skin that was the size of a dime.

    I went to Walmart and saw about about 4 different kinds and all were 4 bucks.  I decided to get the Medical selsum blue with the red cap.  You only have to use it twice a week and I noticed my dandruff reduced substancially after the first use and it was comepletely gone after about the 2nd to 3rd use.  

    Just be warned that you can tell it is very effective because it STINKS!!!  Make sure you use something really fruity or fragrent to cover up the smell of the selsum blue.  If you take your shower in the morning, wash your hair the night before with selsum blue and the fruity shampoo so your hair won't stink when you do what ever you do the next day.  I learned that the hard way!

    Make sure you get MEDICATED selsum blue with the RED cap on it.  It is about 4 bucks and WELL WORTH IT!

  8. Go to a hair stylist. They will recommend shampoo for you that you help the situation.

  9. Head & Shoulders Intense treatment

    the dark blue bottle

    I use to hate Head & Shoulders but i was desperate to get rid of my dandruff so i tried this and the first day i saw results. I currently have no dandruff :]]

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