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  1. Don't eat meat?

    It's easy as 1 2 3 but its a 1 step..

  2. uhhh, stop eating meat


  4. Well, I'm a soy dog...

    You have to send me 12 monthly payments of £100, and sell your soul to the devil.

  5. from the book in library take advice. Vegetarian for dummies. It tells what to eat and be healthy.  

  6. (they have a 'starter' kit that has some ideas for you!)

    1. Don't eat meat

    Vegan takes it a step further...

    2. Don't consumer/wear any animal prodcut/bi-product. has a link at the top about how to transform your already favorite meals into vegetarian dishes.

    Good luck. Feel free to email me if you have any more questions.

  7. i'm doing the same thing, my mom wasn't too fond of it, and my dad was completely against it, i brought my sister into it too, just slowly stop eating meat, also, you may want to take iron supplements, you will have a higher chance of anemia (i think that's what it is) what helped me completely stop is this video:

    I knew some of this before, but this did it, no more meat, EVER also, it is proven to make you healthier, it lowers the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and obesity (now just to show this video on every TV station for a while, maybe that would lower the amount of overweight people in america :D) just remind yourself, it is for a good cause, and you'll be helping to spare the life of an estimated 100 animals per year!!! good luck!

  8. Well, all you have to do is not eat meat; anything w/ beef, chicken, turkey, or anything made of meat, lol. And yes, it's hard to stay vegetarian when you're so used to eating meat, but basically all you have to do is remind yourself every time you eat a meal to not get anything w/ meat. And remember how healthy you'll become after you stop eating it. But you don't want to be too strict...meat is still good for you, so your body needs some of the nutrients and vitamins it has, so you can also stick w/ only eating meat on occasion. It's called being semi-vegetarian. I like it better. Well, good luck! :)

  9. Slowly change your diet, but do not just do a 180.

    If you slowly change your diet, then you'll find that becoming a vegetarian will be much easier.  

  10. stop eating meat gradually. and take a multivitamin

    i decided to become vegetarian too but my hair started falling out and i felt sick all the time so I stopped. now im better  

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