

by  |  earlier

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well, yesterday my sister and I went to the store and we had

found that someone had left a kitten in a box in the front of

the store . . .We took her home and got formula stuff because

it doesnt look like she can chew yet . .

she has a little kitty cold too . .and her eyes are shut . . .

well anyways, i tried everything! water, formula. . .watered down

formula . . .but she still doesn't eat!!! is there something else

wrong?? should I get it checked out?!!!! She's only a few weeks old. .

0.0 help!!!!!




  1. try feeding it milk or water from an eye dropper.  its small enough to fit in its mouth, and big enough to give it the amount it needs.  if this doesn't work call your vet

  2. Kittens are unable to evacuate their bowels by themselves. You have to wipe it's little butt to stimulate it to pee and deficate, otherwise it will die of urea poisoning. In other words, it's bowels and kidneys will back up until it dies. Consult a vet for the best way to do this, but a warm damp face cloth has worked for me in the past. Also, it MUST be cat formula, NOT cows milk or human formula.

    Another good idea is to call vets, shelters, whoever and see if you can find a lactating mother (often called a queen) who could step in and help out. YOU MUST WORK FAST!!! At that age, they don't have a lot of stamina or resiliance. I can't stress this highly enough. The odds are heavily weighted against this little guy unless you can get his digestive system working.

    Also, heat! Body heat is good. Hold it against your chest, or get a hot water bottle. DO NOT use a heat lamp or a light bulb, as this can burn their retinas (undeveloped, which is why its eyes are closed,) and their skin. He probably has no or very little fur yet.

    You're going to have to do this a LOT of times a day. Including the middle of the night. It's going to be hard, but if you can do this, you'll have a friend for life.

  3. You should definetley give her to the petstore or a animal shelter.  or try getting a eye dropper and putting the formula in there and putting it in her mouth.  she has to eat or she will get very sick.  or you can also get a older cat which wil nurse the baby. but i dont know if you would want another older cat to take care of the baby.  but that would be a good idea because she will act as her mom.  

  4. listen I found a cat that was only two weeks old and we took it inside my house and fed it from one of those things you squeeze and then you squeeze again and it comes out try that.

  5. Get them to a vet or animal hospital as soon as business hours permit.

    But until then, this link can provide more than I can fit in this answer...on treating abandoned newborn kittens:

    Good luck!

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