

by  |  earlier

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ok this is a long story but i will make it short. so we have a group of friends. 2 guys, 3 girls (including me). so one day the guys brought me and and the other to girls a box and said it was our late b-day present. we opened it and inisde was a snake. about 1 month later me and 1 of the other girls wanted to get them back. so we made a "disaster cake" which we put all this gross stuff in it (bbq, spices, hot sauces, sour stuff etc) and we also wrote a love note pretending to be 1 of the guys old gfs. we went over at night at put it on the door step. the next morning my friend that made the cake with me was balling. so the guy we gave the cake to was throwing up blood and had to get his stomach pumped. i was so scared and every one was so serious. i called him crying saying it was me and my friend that made the cake. then his dad called ous back saying it was all a joke. i was still crying so hard 1 hour after. I have to get him back. he hates dolls. i was thinking something with a doll. any ideas? i have to get him back so bad! thanks!!!




  1. This is old but tried and true; fill a paper bag with dog p**p, then leave it on his doorstep and light it on fire then ring the bell. Make sure someone is home of course to out it out, but when they stomp on the bag they get dog p**p all over their shoes.

  2. OOOHHHH!!! I LOVE THIS! ok, get a plushy doll or a china doll, something freaky and put a small radio in it where you can talk to him from somewhere far away. So you give him this doll, then you talk to like a walkie talkie and some remote control to light up the doll's eyes. teeheehee.

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