
HOW DO I OBTAIN A FASHION INTERNSHIP ??? PLZ HELP <span title="ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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hi, i'm 19yrs old...part time student at a community college, and i work part time at a retail store. i'm starting community college this fall. i live in california, usa. i'm very very very interested in fashion design....i'm very passionate about fact i want to be a fashion designer, and i draw designs/sketches....i had also taken a fashion merchandising class 2 years ago...and my fashion teacher told me that i had lots of potential by looking at my designs, and that fashion designing is sumthing that i should goal is to hopefully own a fashion boutique in the future...i would absolutely love to work with the fashion power houses...for example, chanel, gucci, prada, versace, etc....that would be a dream come true for me!

i was wondering about getting a fashion do i do this, plz help me, cuz i'm clueless....

and how do i get myself noticed?

i know that i have potential...plz help me....!!!




  1. I&#039;m doing a fashion dagree and it took me three years just to get into this course. You&#039;ll have to work your way from the bottom to get an internship. And people arent going to take you on tin the business unless you have all the qualifications you need.

  2. Qualifications are important, but don&#039;t think you can&#039;t do anything until you have got them.  Your youth is important...and if you have a portfolio now but think you have to wait until you are 27 to submit is less amazing because you are not 19 anymore.

    In other words a 10 year old who can tell you the Magna Carta was signed in 1215 is significantly more noticable than a 20 year old who can do the same thing.

    If you want it bad enough you will find it rather than asking others to do so for you.  I&#039;m not mean so here&#039;s some help:

    Internships for Gucci, chanel, prada, versace, etc...are on the INTERNET just like jobs for any other company.  Honestly, everyone wants to be a fashion designer, and many have talent...but few people make it.

    ...if you can&#039;t get into (or afford) one of the top design schools (where they will connect you to the right people), go to business school and major in will be much more attractive to industry head hunters if you don&#039;t have the right connections to begin with.  

    Marketing drives all fashion...if you have a degree in marketing AND your talent...that is one less thing the label will have to hold your hand through...and you will be a rare catch in a pool of wannabe interns.

    lastly, don&#039;t wait for people to notice you...make yourself visible.  Submit your theories and sketches/designs to journals...YES academic journals that deal with fashion, design and marketing thereof (yes they exist...ask your librarian)...

    Hope that helps!


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