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Hi, I live in Northern Minnesota in the woods basically. I have a 6lb. Yorkie puppy and a 85lb mixed golden lab. 2 mornings ago when I went to let the dogs out, the lab immediately knew that Owl was up in the tree's & took off in that direction barking (with the yorkie running right behind). The owl left the tree & flew down my driveway & continued up the power lines. I think it maybe a Great Horned Owl. Now tonight I can hear it out there hooting. I've never seen or heard an owl here in the yard in the 5 years I've lived here. I am very concerned that the owl may swoop down & get the yorkie. Per Webster's: OWL: nocturnal bird of prey. Per wikipedia: Prey is small to medium-sized mammals such as rats, squirrels, mice, squirrels & up to & including porcupines. They have 500 lbs psi of crushing power in their talons. My yard-property has open spaces where an owl or any other birds of prey could swoop down & grab the puppy. Any information or ideas (that do not include killing-hurting any animal) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much, Molly & Lovey's Momma




  1.  Lot's of answers from people who don't know anything!  I live in Australia, and don't know about Horned Owls but we have Owls in the State Forest here who regularly take, cats, possoms and dogs.   Don't tell someone that the owl won't take their Yorkie puppy.  Do you think a bird of prey knows the difference between a fluffy bunny rabbit and a fluffy puppy?!!  I know a lady a couple of hours from here who recently had a 22year old Chihuahua taken within a couple of metres of the back door...with owner standing there and outside lights on...and more frighteningly a 17 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.  Not a tiny dog by any stretch of the imagination.  I,  like the person asking the question above, am looking for a real, workable solution.  Yes the animals are there, and have a right to be there, but if you had a prey animal breaking into your home and threatening to eat your children, you just might want to find a way to discourage it, while not harming it too. Don't post answers about things you know nothing about please!

  2. i have a chihuahua and my neighbors have had two that were bigger then her and the owl killed both of them so when ask for help and all you do is say how wrong they are is not fair when you don't have to live with the worry and watching while this goes on.  This owl has also killed three cats of ours over the years i just am tired of it happening also it has been making huge messes out of the  cars and yard its exhustaing  so when you have a real answer next time maybe you should post that so what do you really do to get rid of an owl i don't live in the woods and i'm having this problem  i live three  blocks off of the main street and a school close by i just don't understand with so much noise we have around here what else is there to do

  3.  Hey guest 6166, are you Marlin Perkins or something?  I looked up information on this as a barn owl did attack and try to carry away my Yorkie last night.  She's OK, 10 punctures in her back because I drop kicked the owl...

    Don't advise on things you know little about....might cause an outcome no one wants.  Oh, if it was 1 in a 1,000,000, I'll buy a lottery ticket....

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