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I'm 14, and I can't get rid of spots - i use those clearasil wipe things, but they don't work and i've tried toothpaste, I clean my face twice a day. Can anyone help??




  1. Hello,

    Well you could try usin some tea tree oil. You can now have the face mask, cleansing wipes, toners and mositurisers.

    Hope i helped you out.  

  2. Same problem with me I'm 15, tried clearasil for months but it really didn't work.

    I went to the doctor and he Prescribed me something called 'Duac' which is very effective, its a kind of bleach/cream thing.

    get your mum or dad to take you to your doctor and work from there, make sure to tell him that clearsil doesnt work, and you really want to get rid of them or he wont give you a thing, its easier for him to give you nothing.

  3. Unfortunately, I have the same problem as you. I have previously used Clearasil, with disappointing results. I have tried many remedies, but to reduce redness, take a freezing ice cube and place on the spot for 10 minutes. It may be cold, but it does reduce redness and aggrovation.

    Also, make sure you stay WELL away from greasy food, as it clogs up your pores and then spots and blackheads make a harsh comeback. Drink PLENTY of water, and if you have a fringe, make sure you wash your hair regularly, as fringes become greasy, which then greases up your face, producing spots.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. Try: Dalacin T

    You can get it on your repeat prescription from your GP

  5. Keep on cleaning your face with delicate cosmetics, in order not to damage the protective barrier of your skin. Moisturise it with light moisturise to prevent drying out. Watch your diet. Don't be tempted with spice, fatty, greasy, food. Try not to eat too much sweets and drink plenty of water. If your acne is seriously bad, go to your gp, maybe you need treatment with antibiotics.

    Be patient. Every one has to go through this stage.

  6. duno

  7. Just pop them, thats what I used to do.

  8. well wash your face every day regularly, eat plenty of fruit and well try not to get stressed. You cant help to get them once your on your period if you do but just keep healthy and maybe try something differnt than the clearasil wipes. Hope i helped. I have the same problem sometimes but do all those things and it works x

  9. The only cure, as you have been told many times, is to grow older.

  10. Sometimes you just have to put up with it till you grow out of them.

    It's awful I know, but it's part of growing up.

    I mean, where would the world be without spotty teenagers?

  11. clearsil clean and clear. the blue liquid in a bottle. absolutely amazing!!

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