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hi my partner is trying to find her dad she as not saw him in 15 years and would like to meet him.i have looked on the internet but you have to pay to look at the files. is there free web sites or is there any other ways. plz could you help. it would mean alot if she could find him. THANK YOU




  1. How about asking other family members?

    A lot depends on how much information you have about him in the first place, and whether he has an unusual name, or combination of names. If you know what schools he went to you could try friends reunited, the same for workplaces, addresses etc.

    If he has an unusual name and you have an idea of where he might be would be good bet. Although you have to pay for some info it is still a good start.

    You could try posting on bebo or facebook, so maybe he can find her. or are other possibilities.

  2. Go onto different websites like reaunion and classmates. Post in their sites about who and wbhy your looking give as much info as you feel comfortable. YOu might luck out and someone who is nice can help you out.

  3. Friends Reunited is a good site for things like that - OK, so it's for old friends, but if someone sees him on there, they could tell you where he is. Or try any interactive site, like BEBO or Facebook.

  4. I had exactly the same experience, I lost contact with my dad for 15 years after some odd events (he left his home to escape debt problems, and I left mine at the same time so we lost contact.)

    Firstly, try to locate him on the electoral register. You may have to pay something like £5 to do this, worth every penny after 15 years though.

    Try the excellent Salvation Army tracing service, though they refuse to get involved in cases where the parents never married, or in finding half or step siblings.

    Try posting on a missing persons website, like Give a full description, including any facial birthmarks, tattoos, anything, and a list of places he was known to have lived, especially the last place.

    If you get no result from electoral rolls, don't despair. People often are omitted because of inaccuracies (even my own name wasn't on it even though I knew I was registered) People may be omitted because they move a lot, or have left the country, so don't assume not being included means he is deceased.

    Ultimately the website was how I located my father in Dublin (that's why he wasn't on UK electoral roll searches.) But sadly when I located him he had died 2 days earlier, so don't delay get looking.

    EDIT if you post a message in the right place maybe someone who has the electoral roll CD may do the search for you and email the results. I posted on an AOL missing persons board, and 2 people did the search for me and sent me exactly the same results. Their search showed myself, my brother and my mother's details, and an explanation of reasons why my dad could have been omitted (hospital, jail, moves a lot, left the country, deceased etc)

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