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I can't really go too many places. It really sucks I feel like I am going to die! Help advice?




  1. BREATH. Try to relax.

    There is medicine that can help you. There are SSRI which are anti-anxiety and antidepressant meds which help you over time and do work. There are also benzodiazepines which help you right away but can be addictive. Talk to your doctor to see which one will be right for you.

    I have the same problem and took paxil and xanax . Paxil well, made me very shaky and couldn't sleep. Which of course are some side effects but I decided to stop cause I couldn't take it anymore. Now I take xanax which help me right away and only take it when needed.

    Take care and e-mail me if you have any other worries or questions. OH one more thing YOU WILL NOT DIE BECAUSE OF A PANIC ATTACK OK. Even though you feel like it.

  2. smoke some weed;)

  3. You See A Doctor Ovbiously And Always Give Them Air To Breath Hope It Helps

  4. go to the doctors and you can get medicine for them

  5. I have suffered from severe panic attacks for year. A book written by Dr. Clair Weeks called Hope and Help for Your Nerves is an excellent book. It really helped me a lot. Therapy and SRRIs work wonders also. I have learned to beat it. I finally convinced myself that the worst that was going to happen was just a panic attack and nothing else. I used to think I was going to die and would not leave my house. I can now go just about anywhere and do really good. You will not die and please read the book it is WONDERFUL. Good Luck.

  6. Panic attacks are not a failure of will power, or a personality defect.  It is a well recognized brain disorder that is treated with several types of medications.

    You need to see your doctor, get on a maintenance medication, and get this stupid fear out of your life forever.  Only then can you develop and mature as you are supposed to.

    Don't play games with this disorder.  Don't try to treat it yourself.  Get professional help, and get well.  Don't become a cripple from fear.

    This is so easily treated!!!  What are you waiting for?  You have a life to live, fun to have, places to go, things to do, and interesting people to meet.  

    PS: You aren't dying.

  7. Too much anxiety. You should see a doctor and don't hold back.

    In the meantime, I use this site a lot. It has great articles on anxiety;


  8. If you are one of the three million Americans who have had multiple panic attacks, you should know that there are ways to control panic attack symptoms.  In order to control panic attack symptoms, you need to help prevent them in the first place.  Another option that some sufferers choose to help control panic attack symptoms is to actually face the fears.  Knowing that there are treatments out there though should help you can beat those fears and control panic attack symptoms.  In order to control panic attacks you will need to become aware of the way you breathe enough so you can begin to switch from chest breathing to diaphragmatic breathing.  The best way to control panic attack is to stop excessive worrying.  

    Cognitive therapy exercises such as breathing techniques and visualization methods are used by psychologists to try and break the cycle of anxious thoughts.  Deep breathing is a very important and crucial part of lowering your stress level and reducing chances of panic attacks.  

    A good panic and anxiety video can be found here, hope this will help.

  9. : View the techniques for control of anxiety/panic attacks, in section 8, at ezy build, below. Begin, on this first occasion, only, by holding your breath for 5, or 10 seconds: this will give you the confidence to realise that YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR BREATHING, but not pass out, or die (your autonomic nervous system resumes breathing, if you become unconscious). Understand panic attacks, and what triggers them, in your life (if it is unresolved anxiety, or stress, see sections 6, or 42, respectively). The paper bag method works for most people: try it.  

       If you are fairly suggestible, the following are reliable:

    Your last alternative is psychotherapy, to address its fundamental cause: read section 1, and examine the  website, and use the locators, and phone book. I used to suffer from panic attacks, until I questioned what had changed in my life, at, or just before that time, to trigger them. For some people, this is enough. These days, I have instilled the habit of, whenever a situation occurs where panic is likely, I visualise a large, "STOP!" sign, as vividly as possible, followed by repeating to myself: "stay calm" in my mind. You could try the same method. It usually takes 30 - 40 repetitions, for most people, to establish a new habit. I also suggest that you learn, then practise the controlled breathing technique, until competent, then employ it, at the very first sign of a panic attack.  

       Practice one of the relaxation methods on pages 2, 11, 2c, or 2i, daily, and when needed. Also, give the EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. There is also a version for use in public places, (if you like, you can claim to have a headache, as you massage/lightly tap your temples, but you would then be restricted to subvocalising: saying it to yourself in your mind). Section 53, and pages 2, 2.q and 2.o at also refer: "Even though I sometimes suffer from panic attacks, I deeply and completely accept myself." Note: the controlled breathing only helps with the symptoms (as do medications/herbal remedies): you need to address the underlying cause, and this requires some form of therapy, and Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy has proved effective.

       Advice from a published psychiatrist on controlled breathing. (1.) Get a clock, or watch with a second timer. (2.) Practise for 5 minutes, 4 times daily, until proficient. (3.) Take a small breath in, and hold it, for 6 seconds. (4.) Think to yourself: "RELAX", just before breathing out. (5.) Try to feel a sense of releasing tension, as you breathe out. (6.) Breathe in for 3 seconds, then out, for 3 seconds. Try to make your breathing very smooth, and light, as you breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth, or nose. (7.) For the next minute, continue to breathe in, and out, every 3 seconds. (8.) Go back to step 3, at the end of the minute, and proceed through to step 7, doing this for 5 minutes. Use this at the very first sign of a panic attack starting, or any time you feel anxious, or tense.  

       Because many people can't access/afford professional therapy, I include the EFT, and EMDR variant for them to try, free of charge. Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy is generally available in most areas, but EMDR (see section 33) may well be worth trying, and is becoming more widespread. I use it twice daily, including after lights out, at night.      

            It may also help to minimise, or eliminate caffeine products from your life (coffee can be a trigger) and sugar. Xylitol, or Stevia is preferable, (health food stores) or fruit sugar (fructose, such as "Fruisana", from supermarket sugar aisles) or even a little honey. Minimise/eliminate consumption of highly processed foods, particularly grain products, such as white bread, donuts, cake, cookies/biscuits, or anything with sugar. Opt for more wholefoods, non-starchy vegetables, and fruit.

  10. Panic attacks cannot be stopped however the frequency and the fierceness of the attack can be made less frequent and less intense.

    Seek a doctor now. As soon as possible get medication. Panic attacks can kill you.  

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