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my dog is about 10 months old and she just wont stop pulling. would a harness help?




  1. Put him in a nose lead.

    They do not pull the dog's head back unless you have them too tight. If it is fitted correctly and the dog is walking to heel then it will be fine!

    Personally I don't like having the leash attached to my dog's collar because it chokes them if they pull.

  2. There's a chain that has prongs on it that you can attach to the leash.  The prongs go into the dog's neck and discourage pulling.  I don't think they hurt the dog if he doesn't pull.  My sister has one.  I don't know what it's called, but it you are interested, email me (see my profile) I'll email her and ask.

  3. I may not be answering your question but here is a SMALL ADVICE TO ALL DOG OWNERS THAT WILL SAVE YOU A LOT OF FRUSTRATION LATER.

    Dog is easy to train even for a puppy or an old dog if you know the right techniques.

    Like most animal, dog can be conditioned. Sometimes it has been conditioned by some bad experience or wrong training techniques.

    So we need to re-condition him to new environment. Finding out what is its history will help the new owner in training it to let go of hidden fears or bad habits.

    Hire a dog trainer is expensive. There are some good books that will teach you how to train dog but reading book leave a lot to our own interpretation and guess work.

    To learn a good dog training techniques from videos is next best thing. With videos, you can re-wind it again and again and learn step by step. It is a much cheaper way than sending your dog to an obedience class.

    Only learn from someone you know or someone recommended sites that had went through the experience.

    Here is a website you could get value for money "Dog Training Videos." It teaches how to train dog in minutes especially for your case "how to stop your dog from pulling your hands off everytime it is on leashed!"

    Here is the website of "Instant Dog Training Videos"


    You can get the best deal through subscribing to his mailing list. Dog training videos do works!



  4. No, a regular harness would not help.  A harness goes around they body and allows dogs to pull harder because they can put the whole weight of their body into it.

    There are several techniques to stop pulling.  The easiest is whenever the dog pull on the leash stop walking.  Do not move until your dog is relaxed and has come back to you.  It is very frustrating to the dog to stop so frequently, and if you do this every pull on every walk your dog should catch on readily.  

    Another method is to treat your dog on walks when he is not pulling.  If you are doing clicker training when the dog is walking at your side click and treat.  When the dog pulls he doesn't get the reward.  When the dog comes back to you (slack on the leash) click and reward.  If you are not using a clicker to train you can just treat and praise.

    Head collars can also be used.  If fitted  correctly this can very quickly solve leash pulling.  Some dogs though hate the strap across the nose and will pitch a fit. (ex gentle leader)

    No pull harnesses are another choice.  The leash attaches to the chest area, so if the dog pulls it is pulled to the side and can not pull forward. (ex easy walk harness)

    Prong collars are another option.  They have inward facing prongs that put pressure on the neck when your dog pulls.  These need to be fit properly as well.  Try putting the collar around your neck or arm and tightening it, it doesn't hurt.  They can also only tighten so far, so they are more humane than a choke collar that will continue to tighten and pull as long as the dog is pulling.  Choke and prong collars are not appropriate for all dogs.

    All the harnesses and collars listed above need to have some instruction on use.  So if you choose to use one consult your vet or a trainer.

  5. What we did when training my pup was if he started to really pull, I'd just stop and not let him go any farther.  Once he calmed down, we would start with the walk again.  If he started pulling, we'd stop again.  It takes a little while, depending on how stubborn of a dog you have, which mine was a bit stubborn, but they catch onto if they pull they don't get to go anywhere.  Depending on your dog the gentle leader does work, but I have a shih tzu and his face was a bit too flat for that to work for him, it kept slipping off.  It depends on your dog.

  6. Yeah, a special harness that oes around the head works.  Its like a horse thing but no bit, just a similar idea,

  7. I wouldnt recommend head collars because yes they do pull the dogs head completely back. I would recommend a pinch collar or a choke collar.. when I had my puppy who was a rottweiler, she would never stop pulling so my vet intended me to get a choke and they dont hurt the dog i can promise you that ... al they do is they just add pressure to the dogs neck.. it does not hurt them. but of course if you are too scared that your dog might get hurt. i would also recommend a choke collar even though they dont work as well... :] hope this helps

  8. Every time she pulls you gently tug back on the leash and firmly (but not loudly) say "no"


    i do not agree with head collars because it pulls the dogs head completely back

  9. Slap the p**s out of it when it does it.

  10. If he/she starts to pull, simply stand there, until they come back to your feet, then continue walking. If he/she does it again, repeat. They will soon understand.

    Good Luck

  11. Always pull him so his front paws are right by your feet. Make sure he doesnt run ahead or slack back. It worked with my dog

  12. gently jerk the leash as you repremand her, make sure you are the leader of the walk- letting her lead is offering for her to pull

  13. A head collar will help a lot - AKA gentle leader.  It's not expensive.  You won't be sorry.

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