

by  |  earlier

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  1. OH MY GOD!

  2. Wear high heels and trample it to a mush then call it all the bad names you can think of and then walk out of the room, tell it is worthless as you slam the door behind you.  The computer will be begging for it when you next brush your finger tips over its power button or mouse.  Careful though a computer o****m is really bad for your firewall and can make your picture files end up festooned like ticker tape all over Facebook.

  3. I think this is a joke?

    My question to you is ''how a computer can turn one on!""  hummm

    Just plug into power outlet.

    switch at the back may need to be flicked

    press  enter on keyboard

    press screen button at the front of the monitor

    Hopefully your working by then?

    But! hey....if you don't know how to turn a computer on, what chance have using one?

    Still ya have to start somewhere I guess?

  4. press the "ON" button

  5. your not cool enough

  6. Stand in front of it and start taking off your clothes while dancing to the strip teaze song and make sure you don't forget to rub your nipples!!

  7. "To start, press any key."

  8. By pressing the button with the circle and the stick.

    Make sure is plugged in.

  9. you on the power switch and make sure all the cables are connected

  10. I press the button on my computer and it is turned on.

  11. were you not on one when you wrote this question???

  12. You need to press the power button, it's usually the big round button on the front panel of your computer.

    If that doesn't do it, check if your power cord is connected to your PC.

    Also, check to see if your power supply is turned on, it's a switch on the back of the PC, usually near the top half of the console.

    If you think you've turned on the computer, yet there's nothing displaying on your monitor, then you might want to check if you monitor is turned on, or check to see if it's plugged in, or check to see if it's connected to your console.

    Computer cords are like those puzzle games, one plug would fit only in one hole, if you can't fit it in, it's not going in the right slot.  

  13. wtf??????????

  14. good and UNIQUE question ..................................still thinking for an answer..................................... .................wait i will definately give u an ans when i will get an answer.....................................

  15. well uv gotten this far so you must know ¬_¬

  16. If you don't know how to turn on a computer, would just like to ask you a question, how did you ask this question?

  17. Insure that the power supply is active, battery or AC for a laptop, and AC for a desktop.  

    After checking the power lines, insure that the rocker on the power converter on a desktop is switched on.  There is a switch with a 0 and | on it the O is off, and | is on.  

    Most newer computers have a 'soft switch' it is usually on the front of the computer it is a circle with a line in it.  Push it, and then your computer will be on.  These are general instructions. Refer to your owners manual for exact information.  

    I think that you can handle it. after all, you asked a question on Yahoo Answers didn't you?  Have a great day.

  18. If it's a Dell, you p**s on it until it starts to set on fire.

    If its anything else, how the f*ck did you manage to write this question?

  19. financial depression??

  20. Tickle its fancy!

    Or press the "on" button :)

  21. uhm with a lapdance and some smile it will be a huge turn on

  22. I usually start with Flowers and champagne

  23. When you came across the computer that you have written this message on was the computer off? If so, was anybody else with you when the computer went from being in an off state to being on? If no one else was with you then you must have turned it on. In that case repeat that same step and you should have no trouble in the future. However, if you were with somebody else, ask that person how to turn on a computer. If you are using a computer that was already on then you should look for a button that has a circle open at the top with a vertical line penetrating the circle. Press this button when a computer is off to turn it on. Of course, don't forget to check that it is plugged into the mains electricity.

    I hope this helps.


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