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My 2 year old daughter still has a bottle BEFORE BED and her dummy for sleeptime we have tried everything to get her to at least give up one to no avail we have run out of ideas. her 10 month old sister doesnt have anything for bed.




  1. Thankgod there is someone else out there currently going through the same thing!  My son still has a bottle before bed- which i will continue as he is a the stage of either not eating or very picky - so continue depending on your childs needs doesn't hurt them.

    I have thrown out my sons favorite dummy - replace it with a newborn dummy he doesn't like it and turns his nose at it i find he is starting to lose interest in it. This is they only thing that i found has worked.  It

  2. Just take it away. I this on Nanny 911 once, the nanny had the parents take the soothers away from their 4 year old and 2 year old. They told them that they were for little babies only, and that the soother fairy came to take them away and deliver them to little babies.

    There were a few sleepless nights from the kids crying and what not, but eventually within a few days they got over it. If you use this method, whatever you do, don't give in and give them their soother back no matter how hard it is for the both of you, you will undo everything.  

  3. my daughter was 2 and at night i took it away and gave her some play keys and it worked and 3 nights later she wanted nothing! find another source and that should work and eventually they will want nothing

  4. We went cold turkey with my sons paci when he was about 17 months.  He's still in a crib, so knowing he was safe, we did cry it out at my doctors suggestion.  It was rough, but it was all that worked for us.  He's 19 months and has forgotten all about it.  If you do cry it out, be consistent.  With my son he cried for about 45 minutes off and on the first night, the next night 15 minutes, and then for a week maybe he cried for 5 minutes.  Now he doesn't cry at all.  Cry it out is not pleasant, and I understand why people are against it, and I think you have to be the right kind of person to do it.  But it is the fastest thing and like I said, it was all that worked for us.  Be sure to have a spouse or a friend or relative that you can lean on for support.  

  5. i agree with others TAKE IT AWAY no questions no fighting etc put your foot down.  who's the parent?

  6. well if u have a fire place u should just throw them both in there while she is watching and tell her all gone no more  and it will like every one eslse said take a few days but be persistant because in the end if ur child does keep using them  read her a book when she goes to sleep in stead of a bottle or dummy in mouth

    good luck

  7. My 3 year old still took a bottle before sleeping with formula in it, its alright. But I would be worried about the pacifier, we didn't use one after a year old. Just don't give it to her.

  8. Take it away.  Simple as that.  You may have a few sleepless nights, eventually she will get used to it.  

  9. I would have a talk with her and let her know that shes a big girl and a big sister and she n longer needs either, can comprimise and give her a teddy bear (mabey go shopping with her and let her pick out the one she likes).Then the day before garbage pick-up have her shot both of them in the garbage and bring the garbage to the road with you so that she knows there gone...If she asks about it just remind her that shes a big girl and there gone..The first couple nights might be a little hard and she may cry for them but just reassure her and let her know she doest need them...She will shortly forget about them...Hope this works...Its worked for someone I know :)

  10. you don't wean. You go cold turkey. When a child is that age weaning is too difficult because it's like teasing them with it. A 2 yr old shouldn't have a bottle either. It's time to lose that as well. It might take a few days to adjust but cold turkey is the way to go. Just remind yourself that you are doing it FOR her, not TO her.

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