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  1. Just ask your mom or dad for the answer key and tell them you need it to get the answers right.  If they think that's okay, they'll give it to you.

    Otherwise study more.  If you don't know how to study then learn how.

    Develop good habits Develop good techniques

    Use the SQR3 method for reading non-math textbooks. Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review.

    Survey: quickly skim over, reading bold headings, chapter and division titles, and looking at diagrams and illustrations.

    Question: try to think up some questions to help you know what you should learn from this text.

    Read:  Read slowly and carefully.

    Recite: Write down the main ideas of what you read, and speak them out loud.

    Review: Go over and compare what you wrote to the text again, add any important details.  Then use your notes to study daily until your test.

    Use the PRESP method for reading math and science texts. Preview, Read, Examples, Summarize and Problems.

    Preview:  Pretty much the same as the Survey above, its a quick look to see the general topics and layout of the selection.

    Read: Slowly and carefully.

    Examples: carefully study any examples given.  Work out any example problems in the text.  Use a piece of paper to cover the parts you haven't solved yet and make sure you can actually solve them.  

    Summarize:  Write down a summary of all the important points and facts.

    Problems: Now do the assigned problems and questions that go with that text selection.

  2. You can probably find most of the answers on the net but seriously if you're having trouble with something ask the person who helps/supervises your home schooling to help you. They'll probably have the answers and they should be able to show you how to do what you want to do.

  3. yeah that works great

  4. The best way to "cheat" is to study, then you don't need to cheat.

    Most people who say they "tried studying" have tried one way of studying that  wasn't effective for them. I'd recommend that you think about how you naturally learn things that you remember and get out some books on studying. What Smart Students Know is very good. But it's designed for starting at the beginning of the semester, not for last-minute studying.

    That brings me to my next point: studying should happen all through a semester, not just at the end. If you can really learn the material and keep it in your mind throughout the semester, then you don't need to try to do last-minute studying, which doesn't work for many people (by last-minute, I mean even the week before).

    There is no point in cheating. Why? Because you still won't know the material. You need to learn how to learn it.

  5. that all depends on what you need to cheat in.

    English: don't even try to cheat if you're writing (It's REALLY obvious to other readers), but reading tips can be found everywhere. Invest a couple of bucks in Sparknotes or whatev. This isn't even really cheating per se, my school has Sparknotes in the library that you can check out.

    Math: for this, a good calculator helps, but cheating isn't always possible. Keep a book with all your formulas and important stuff in it (doesn't need to be more than a few pages for an entire year).

    Science: The same as math, you need to keep track of imprtant stuff that you find, but you do at least have all of the help from the internet if you have a question. (remember, there isn't a single question that isn't answered here, and if there is, I'm answering it now)

    Languages: You can use Google Translate (>more>even more> Translate (its below the Youtube link)),  but eventually you need to know it yourself. Nothing much you can do here but study. sorry.

    Other: remember, the internet is your best bet when it comes to anything underhanded. You still can't copy your neighbor's answers, but at least its easier to find them yourself.

    With all that said... cheating really isn't going to help in the long run. It really is better to stop, tell Mom/Dad/Whomever to help you and try again. Home schooling's main advantage is its flexibility, and it should be taken advantage of. Remember, they are there to help you!

  6. A BRIBE

  7. don't

  8. Hmm.. Shame on you! No cheating! If you don't work out the problem, you wont know how to do it!

  9. You don't.

    Now if you're trying to ask 'How CAN you cheat in homeschool?' (Can, rather than do.)...

    ...Well, as long as your mum has got your best interests at heart, you shouldn't be able to. If she cares, she should make absolutely sure of that.

    Maybe you should try shocking her (and earning yourself mega-brownie points at the very same time, *grin*!) by going for the mature response to your problems: sit her down and talk to her, tell her you need more help, support, time or whatever else it is you need -- whatever her response, it'll still be heaps better (for you, your self respect & your self-esteem) than you simply taking the coward's way out and cheating cuz it's too tough for you to do anything else; you'll only be cheating yourself: your education, your future, your reputation, other people's respect for you & ultimately, your respect for yourself, if you choose to give up trying and just cheat.

  10. Have you heard the term "You are only cheating yourself?"

    An education is more important than a diploma.   Start learning.

  11. Sneek into the answer key.

  12. Sorry, pal.  A lot of the people on here are parents that homeschool their kids.  I wouldn't teach you to cheat any more than I'd teach one of my own kids to do the same.

  13. If you are cheating then you are not learning anything . Which means you are only cheating yourself out of an education.

  14. i have been  home schooled  all my life      i have never thought about it   so   i don't know

  15. hahaha, just do it the way others do, or the way u want to do it! but i tell you, you will only fool yourself, no one else, implying what kind of character you have... and you have just missed the the privilege of exercising your God given brain, or discovered if you have really learned... that's it.  cheating is a way of escape... and fear, fear to discover that you don't know waht you are doing, or maybe you are trying to catch attention, or maybe you are not challenge

    ( maybe as in a competition... ) and bored.

  16. can't.  Not for any amount of time, anyway.  The thing about homeschooling is, without 32 other kids in the class your parents have the time to closely oversee your work.  You might be able to get away with cheating for a short amount of time, but you'll get caught pretty quickly.  (I think my son's record for longest time without getting caught was one assignment...which he was made to do over.)

    Rather than cheating, why not ask your mom or dad for help?  That's what they're there for - to help explain how to do something when you don't understand.  Let them know you're having trouble studying and ask them to teach you how.

    As parents, sometimes we forget that the ability to study effectively isn't instinctive - we've just been doing it so long that we forget it's a learned skill.  Let your mom or dad know that you want to be able to study and learn the material, but what you've tried just isn't working.  Everyone has different learning styles, yours might not work well with just taking notes or reviewing the text.  You might have to make visual organizers, or hear the material, or put up charts above your desk.  Work with your parents to find what works for you.

    I won't tell you not to cheat - that's a choice you have to make - but I will tell you something to help you, seriously.  Now is your time to learn what works for you.  When you get to college, you won't be able to cheat - you'll get kicked out of a class, or even kicked out of the school.  If you learn how to study now and allow yourself to find what works for you, the rest of school (and college) will be a lot easier.  Instead of being frustrated, you may find that you really enjoy learning.

    It's hard to enjoy when it doesn't make sense, I really do understand that.  I just want to encourage you, as a homeschool parent, to talk with yours.  Ask them for help and accept their suggestions so that you can start to look forward to learning, rather than feeling frustrated.

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