

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike love your friends and you're usually ready to help them out,but sometimes you have to draw the line..but how?you are considerate of their needs but you are not desperately trying to please this totally fine and how to step up in case of this?




  1. I would always risk my life for a friend.

  2. a real friend won't put you on the spot

  3. During the war in iraq, My friend is like my brother. However he is dead now because of  the americans. As a comrade we treat each others as brothers.  

  4. yeah....this one is tough.... i had friends like that i loved them would do anything for them, was there when they needed advice.....and i lost every single one of them... my only advice i could give is.... if they ask for your honest opinion. LIE and risk them getting hurt when they find out you lie (or) tell them the truth and risk them being hurt by the truth either way youre screwed.... if they are in a tough situation that just seems like drama. take yourself out of the situation. it is ok to say no, and just leave.  

  5. I think that being a friend is someone that will watch after the next person in a positive way. If it is something that is not negative, then I would help. Now it draws a line when they become dependent on you. If you feel that way, then ask them could you talk to them.

    You should be able to express what is on your mind if they are you friend. Let them know that you love them from the bottom of your heart, but sometimes you feel like they are becoming too dependent on you. Of coarse you want them to know that you are there for them but sometimes you may to take care of something yourself.

    Help them become dependent themselves. If you dont want to have the talk, just slowly help them become independent. They may thank you for that in the future.  

  6. this far........................................

  7. Well if it is something that could get you in REALLY bad trouble, then you just have to tell them no. Or if it's something you just really don't wanna do, once again tell them no. If they don't understand, or if they pressure you etc, it's time to get some new friends. Not easy i know. Been there. :/


  8. Just say you're busy, usually works, or that you're too tired to help them.

  9. Very tough questions. Best friends are really hard to come by. Trust me they are. You want to hold on to them as best as you can. However sometimes you do have to draw the line. If you are asking yourself i think I am going to far out my way then you probably are. Is their specific thing or situation you are talking about then we can probably answer you question better.  

  10. I'm sorry, but I hope the friend isn't having a dire emergency when you are drawing the line.

    Sometimes you draw the line - but sometimes you erase it and roll up your sleeves and help. My friend and I are both struggling in this economy, but when she needed a job reference I told her to put me on the resume and I helped her even though I am needing this just as much as her. This is what I would like in return, you see? If you mean the friend is clingy or whiny and maybe using you? Yeah.....just wait and take care of a few things and then call her back. Sometimes you have to or your own stuff falls behind......but don't do this so much that the friend feels you don't like them anymore. That would be uncool.

  11. well, tell them off the bat what problems you have, that way you have an understanding of what you can withstand, friendship wise, or not.

  12. just let them know that you care and are they if they need to talk but that you have alot going on in your life right now (even if not neccessarily true) that you're trying to sort out

  13. i woudlnt do meth for a friend,but anyone who i believe is 100% truthful calling me a friend i would take a bullet for that person

  14. i dont have friends im a loser.

  15. it depends on how much you care about them.

    side note: doing things like risking your life is noble but you also have to think about the people who cares about you if you actually die from doing that.

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