
HOW GREAT WAS BILL <span title="CLINTON?.......................?">CLINTON?....................</span>

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HOW GREAT WAS BILL CLINTON?....................




  1. Extremely good working with good, solid Republican policies coming from Congress.  He was a better Republican than Bush in many respects.

  2. Not great... not even good, not terrible either, but pretty bad.  

  3. the best.

  4. HE WASN&quot;T............ Do you honestly think all the trouble we are in right now is because of President Bush. HAHAHAH! This all started rolling downhill with bill and pillary clinton.

  5. He was so great that he passed the &quot;Assault Weapons Ban&quot; of 1994 to take away personal liberty based on mere appearance of the devices leading to the largest number of representatives not being re-elected which caused the republicans to take power and possibly s***w everything up. Just so he could appear tough on crime...

  6. Great is not a word that should be used in conjunction with the Clinton name!  Lets see, what can we thank billy boy for... Oh yeah,

    Thank you for selling Communist China &quot;15&quot; nuclear warheads.

    Thank you for destroying our military capabilities, closing bases and decreasing the moral of our troops.  Case in point, he ordered all our B-52 bombers to be destroyed.  They sit out in the desert to this day, chopped into several pieces.

    Thank you for lying to Congress, the Supreme Court and the American People, about your affair.

    Thank you for being the first U.S. president to be impeached.

    Thank you for draining the Social Security Fund to pay for pork barrel projects.  

    Thank you for trying to take away our right to bear arms and thus strip our country of it&#039;s greatest defense...  The average citizen!

    And a special Thanks to Hillary, for standing by her cheating husband to use his power to get a senate seat in a state she didn&#039;t live in, so that she could run for president and just continue the debauchery of our country!

  7. I wish he was still in charge.

  8. Dont know, Ask Monica...

  9. The words &quot;great&quot; and &quot;Bill Clinton&quot; can NOT be put in the same sentence.


  11. Do a search with his name &amp; the word accomplishments. I am watching him now &amp; it is so sad seeing him hug &amp; kiss every single person. He is such a loving man. He is super intelligent. When you see his accomplishments you will wonder how anyone could have got so much done. Bush SR. left a disaster &amp; people seem to have forgotten that.  He is a good man.

  12. He was a better president then Regan.


    8 years of illegal fundraising from the White House.

    8 years of neglected power grids.

    8 years of a dot-com stock bubble.

    8 years of a growing Al Qaida.

    8 years of prepping his carpet-bagging wife for the senate.

    8 years of bombing aspirin factories.

    8 years of military &amp; intelligence cuts.

    8 years of increasing prison populations.

    8 years of pacifying/bribing N. Korea.

    8 years of s******g around with Saddam.

    8 years of giving nuclear secrets to China.

    8 years of corporate accounting lies.

    8 years of campaign contributions from convicted criminals.

    8 years of decreasing budgets &amp; increasing neglect at NASA.

    8 years of renting-out the Lincoln Bedroom.

    8 years of phantom surpluses.

    8 years of scandal.

    8 years of feeling our pain.

    When the jig is up, tell the wife to grab all the silverware she can

    pocket, sell all the pardons you can get and hit the road.

  14. The problem with Clinton is that he didnt do anything.  Can anyone name something useful he did?  

    People give him credit for the economy, but he raised taxes and turned a good economy into a recession by the time he left office.  i could go on...

    When Sudan offered clinton bin laden, clinton refused saying he didnt have a legal case for him.  This was before 9/11 though.  

  15. 8/10

    notice how democrats always end economic troubles?

  16. Clinton = peace and prosperity, Bush = war and recession

    Clinton = admired around the world, Bush = universally detested

    Clinton = genius, Bush = imbecile

    Clinton = workaholic, Bush = vacationer

    Clinton = balanced budget, Bush = $4.5 trillion added to national debt and counting

    Clinton = Rhodes Scholar &amp; 1st in his class, Bush = My Pet Goat

    Clinton = gas at $1.15/gal, Bush = gas at $4.15/gal

    Clinton = all indicators of national health up, Bush = everything he touches turns to c**p

    Clinton = big man who accepts responsibility, Bush = weasel who plays blame game

    Clinton = higher standard of living, Bush = tremendous step backwards for America

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