
HOW MANY PEOPLE would like to see a return?

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to the olden days when kings and princes took to the battlefield?




  1. I for one would happily like to see the return of the Nobles so that I may systematically (and legally) hunt them down and take their lands by force.

    War is a beautiful thing.

    (Geneva Convention ?...What is that ?)

  2. that was in the day when the ruling monarch really ruled the country. Today the country is ruled by Parliament so what I say is, send all the cabinet - shame Blair is no longer in it! He should have led the way.  Of course, though, the best scenario would be no more wars at all.

  3. Nope..They were cruel days and best forgotten ...

  4. Put me down! I'd actually lik to see a return to the days when the leader of the countries having a war were the ones who did ALL the fighting ~ no armies, no civilian casualties, just the leaders in bosy armour with their weapons.

    My guess is there would be a sudden drop in the number of wars if the ones who started them had to do the actual fighting!

    Cheers :-)

  5. Prince Andrew .. served during the Faulklands war.

    Prince Philip served in the Navy during WW2

    The Queen served in the women's services during world war two and was working as a mechanic.

    Prince Charles has commanded his own ship in the Royal Navy and has been a Helicopter Pilot,

    Both Wills and Harry have served in the Military and Harry may yet serve in afghanistan...

    there are fair and good reasons as to why the modern day kings and princeses shouldn't serve on the battle field .. IN times gone by .. NOBODY really knew what they looked like .. as in NO photographs around...for the enemy to use to identify them .. and therefore they are more accessible target than in the times gone by.

  6. Well just as today, to catch or kill a king, etc. was a trophy. Battles could be won and lost on the fact and ransoms could be obtained.

    I think it is tough enough to know that there are young men out there putting their lives on the line every day, without adding to precariousness of their personal safety.

  7. Yeah, but it wouldn't really be kings and princes now a days, it'd have to be presidents, taoiseachs and prime ministers because not every country has a monarchy now. It'd be fairer too. These people start the fight, but send someone else to fight it for them.

    Also, back then, all wars took place on a battlefield, so really, only the soldiers were the ones hurt, there were no innocent people involved.

  8. That would not be very conceivable nowadays. The kings of today are not battle-worthy, except Prince Phillip who was a Lieutenant in the R.N. and was discharged with honours for valour.

  9. that would be cool.

    and that's a great idea you had about invading the french.

    i,m with you all the way.

  10. Would rather see Politicians on the front lines.

  11. ¡¡¡¡¿¿¿wot about tescoes?????

  12. I'd like to see the day when:

    1) the monarchy is abolished  

    2) all of the elite who agitate for war have to go out and fight - as well as their sons and daughters.

  13. I would like to see the politicians who send people to wars, be in the front line. Let the royalty visit the wounded

  14. NO, it was a totally different world, back then.

    Although I wouldn't mind seeing the American "king" ie George W Bush II,

    the so-called "Leader Of The Free World"  leading his troops into battle in Iraq. like some kind of latter day Crusader,on a white charger.

    And when he became "unhorsed",

    calling for another one by saying "A Horse, A Horse , My Kingdom for A Horse,  

    [apoligies to W Shakespeare]

  15. i watched henry v yesturday afternoon, that film never ceases to rile my passions, at the same time as making me feel sad at the stateof england as it is now, riddled with i no what you mean, you have prompted me to ask a question.

  16. I would my lord.  Weren't you born in Monmouth Castle.  Ra ra ra,  we're going to bash the French.

  17. Not bothered about that but they should def bring the death penalty back for scum bags and monsters.

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