
HOW MANY TRIPS to the Home Depot will it take for YOU to be able to speak fluid Spanish? ?

by Guest58325  |  earlier

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  1. You can only learn "fluid" Spanish in a swimming pool. Home Depot is on dry land. Why are you trying to be offensive?

  2. About as many English lessons it will take to get you to realize that it's fluent, not "fluid".

    Someone is a bit racist.

    Hablo espanol. :]

  3. It depends on what State you are in... !!!

    Here in NM only a few... LOL

  4. none, I go to Lowes

  5. Ouch!

    Uh, is it too much to ask for the government to protect our borders? How easy it would be for a terrorist to come here through Canada or Mexico! What in the blazes do they do with all of that money that they steal from us through the tax system? They make it harder for the oil companies to drill, thereby causing the prices to rise because of short supplies of oil!

    We PAY those jokers in Congress? To do what? Bankrupt us?

  6. Zero, already do!  

  7. LOL

  8. Made me laugh. In NJ/NYC, that's all you find. Not being racist, but just saying.

  9. Racist....and it's fluent, you idiot, not fluid

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