ok on the news paper it says "upscale times square resturant" (if u dont know where that is... its in downtown NYC... large commercial center)
i went to the resturant last night it was like 10PM and there was a line outside... anyways from what i saw it was more fancy than the average casual resturant but not yet a 4 star resturant... its a trendy resturant i guess...
the restaurant is called Maxie's Delicatessen... in NYC... i read some online reviews and they weren't good but they all say everything was super expensive... thats good when you are the waiter:)
but anyways im going there today after 5PM as instructed...
my question is what should i wear?
like a dress shirt, tie, dress pants and dress shoes would be over doing it for being a waiter right? then again it does claim to be an "upscale resturant"
im thinkin of going with a nice dress shirt... no tie... jeans and sneakers...
or dress shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes... no tie and no tucking in shirt... my shirt would still look good that way b/c it doesn't hang down low past my wast...
i dont want to seem like im clueless and trying too hard... but also not like i dont know how to look presentable... im so conflicted right now... is a tie just too much? i am applying to be a server...
what do you think? please offer advice and tips...
the times square resturants do tend to be more casual than the rest of downtown and midtown manhatten...
serving more tourists rather than locals and businessmen