

by  |  earlier

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i am a taurus and for the last almost year i have been seeing this scorpio on and off on and off on and...ohh h**l i think my head just spun off! he is driving me to utter insanity!

i have NEVER had so much trouble with a guy before

(by trouble i mean understanding him and his hot cold ways, getting him to open up and stay open, being able to predict his next move, just plain knowing where i stand with this man)

i have literally tried everything i can think of to get him to react to me. i have told him i loved him, i have told him i hated him, i have told him i would leave him alone, i have told him i didnt care about him and still that d**n cold as ice scorpio steadiness COCKY reactions... UGGGGHHHH!

i have run out of ideas and am now putting this matter in my trusted YA horoscope sectioners...


i know he cares about me he has shown it, and he knows i love him, i think he is scared though... how do i get him to react?!?!

help soon i think immmmmm cracking up! lol




  1. which part is cracking up?

  2. " i have told him i hated him, i have told him i would leave him alone, i have told him i didnt care about him...."

    That made him too scare!!!!! make him jealous just by not giving him attention...IT WILL WORK!! but dont flirt with other will work against u!!

  3. I feel ur pain, cuz Im in the same situation or at least was like how u are...but the one thing I realised is that scorpio men know what they're about...meaning, they know their personality, their strength and most imporantly they know that they can charm most women, and he has u charmed..but they like to play hard to get..

    I used to run around my scorpio moron too (lol), and boy did it hurt cuz i wasnt getting the same attention.  And things got worse, cuz I confessed my "liking" to him...cuz I think that got to which point, he gave me the cold shoulder, unpredictable I said "f*k off"...and stopped giving him attention...used to bug the daylights out of me, hurt me and all that, cuz I knew what I wanted but i forced myself to stay away...and guess what, he came he calls me, he e-mails me, he messages me, he tells me all the time "u've changed"..blah blah blah...

    Scorpio men like to do the chasing...and esp when something is taken away from them they want it give him the distance and space and watch him come back...

  4. yeah... make him jealous. those feelings literally digs him, trust me, My girlfriend is a scorp. and I like it when she gets too jealous, makes me feel secure, hehehehe....  I'm a capricorn.

  5. Come on girl, you got to pull it together for your fellow Tauruses. We are not weaklings!!! Ok, you have to stop trying so hard, just let go and occupy your d**n time. He'll come around and when he does, just act nonchalant! I understand how you feel b/c sometimes my scorpio will act the same way and it drives me crazy too BUT then I'll just say F**K IT, go on my way and then he comes searching for me. I won't answer any of his calls and when he pops up to visit, I'll be there but not there (if you know what I mean).

  6. whoaa kitty, relax! felt like the screenss about to pop out! =)

    what im about to suggest to you, is simple but hard to do. not a torture, but it can be done.

    you want his reaction? you get it by not reacting to him. not indifference, ok. not reacting, as in not reacting the supposed way of reacting. whatever that you decide to do or say, say and do the unexpected and unpredictable. these are calm, calculating creatures, you need to do something crazy (but not cheap, ok), to throw them off track, err, i dunno, anything, with him or without him.

    cuz, the last thing they want to see, is you all cracked up. really.

  7. if you know he loves you as much, maybe you should just let it be...I mean, the more you try to pry him open, the more he'll shut up close-no amount of pressure will change him, he will react in his own time, and pressure will only make him indignant and distant. btw I wonder if you have strong fire influence? because taureans are supposed to dislike dramaticism as much as scorpios.

    anyhow, if you have made it clear you love him, I would just suggest you get on with your life...he'll know where to find you if he needs you. sincere scorpios are generally cautious before sharing their feelings because when they fall in love they fall hard. you'll need to pass many tests to surpass their suspicious nature. the first of which is patience and tolerance. do i need to teach the magic of patience to a taurean? right now you maybe coming off pretty badly regarding stability which every fixed sign is supposed to crave.

    its not strange that you dont understand him as well as you'd like...taurus and scorpio are opposite signs


    edit: i suppose hotaru is right...other planetary placements can be just as important when assessing someone's personality

  8. Make him jealous! Don't get too carried away and don't try to make him jealous with words. He has to physically see you in the act of harmless flirting and what not.

    Get's 'em everytime, i promise!

  9. Yikes!... Ok, I'm Scorpio too. So don't shoot me for this...

    There are more things than sun signs that tells about your compatibility... As an astrologer I look at people's charts for the details. And I really have to stress that Sun signs only provide generalized clues to where he's at.

    Scorpio is the sign of extremes, such as birth and death, decay and regeneration. It also rules everything hidden and underground. Any planet placed in Scorpio will have its function intensified . A lot.

    The Sun in Scorpio:

    You are intense, magnetic and insightful. You feel things deeply and are passionate about the things that interest you the most. Life is viewed as an exercise in survival. Everything you achieve is earned. You have great powers of perseverance and tenacity. Conflicts with others are common-place, despite your best efforts at harmony. You are steadfast in adversity and take pride in coping with life's challenges. You have an all-or-nothing attitude to most things and will give something your total attention if warranted. At times, you can be prone to bouts of extremism, fanaticism and obsession.

    If you really want to have a look at the compatibility then look at your composite chart.

    As for soul-mate unions, then you need to look at where his Eros sign and his Psyche sign... compared to your Eros and Psyche.


    Capacity for vitality and passion


    Capacity to be psychically sensitive to another person

  10. Why are you wasting your time and energy?

    Conserve your energy and use it for someone who will care ENOUGH !

    Just my opinion, I care.

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