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I keep on getting people prank calling me. Is there a way to block the calls or have it go straight to my voicemail?




  1. Call your service provider (3) They will be able to help you with blocking certain numbers!

  2. Well I would say that when any private number calls you, just hit that good old reject/ignore button, and then they cannot talk to you. Just remember to tell your friends not to call with private number, because otherwise you will ignore them and they might think you hate them or are angry, and you will have to go to the friendship help section of Y!Answers. There are also some other methods...

    1) Call your service provider's customer helpline, and ask if they can block all private numbers form being able to call you full stop. Remember to tell your friends if you do this.

    2)The good old answer and either tell them to go away, only much ruder than just a simple "go away". That could work. That or say something like "Oi, I know who you are. Now get lost and leave me alone!" I don't think you can go to the cops unless they are threatening you or saying offensive things.

    3)Or, you could get a new number. Personally I dislike this method because you're paying money and going through the whole effort of saving in new contacts all over again, telling people your new number, and wasting good money on a new SIM card and number just because of the behavior of some very stupid individuals.

    I hope one of these methods work! Good luck, and I hope I was helpful. Thanks.  

  3. Just ignore them


    i dont think there is a way to block them


  4. no, but there is a great solution.

    I too own an iPhone 3g. But I had the same problem of getting harassing prank calls. Get out your phone book, find your local Sherriffs number (non-emergency. Not 911!) and save it as a contact. Next time they call, immediately ask them to hold on. Simply press add call, dial up the sherriff, and merge the calls.

    Most probably you will recieve a robot message of "you have reached the ____ Sherriffs department. To speak to a dispatcher, press 1" or something along those lines.

    This will almost always make them hang up and never call again. If they stay on the line long enough, the police can trace the call for you as well.

    It's worked great for me. Freaked out some annoying teens I knew.  

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