

by  |  earlier

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  1. I'm looking forward to seeing egaltt23 perform some genuine telekinesis to enlighten us stupid people with.

    I wonder if he realizes that if he can do it he is the only person in the world that can?

  2. no such thing.  forget it and go pump iron or something

  3. Sleep is the key in developing telekinesis! !

  4. I wish.

  5. i'm not an expert but i did take martial arts for a couple years til i quit for college and my music career. it's all about focus, determination and your chi. focus on building up your spirit energy, and push it towards your mind. you should work on meditation and probably consider taking tai chi as a martial art. i saw tai chi before @ a martial arts competition when i was about 17, it was pretty interesting.

  6. think long and hard

  7. you must sacrifice small animals to the heathen god of telekinesis. he likes opossums.

  8. You can't.  No one can.  Plenty of people claim they can do this, but none of them have managed it once they were kept from cheating.  If anyone could do this, they'd prove half of physics wrong and open up a whole new field of science.  Plus this guy would give them a million bucks.   So why don't they?  Because they're lying to you.

  9. Ignore the stupid people above. lol

    Go to the website, it gives some interesting info.

    Hope this helps!

    Edit: Just so you know Jonquill, I can't do it, I found info to give to the person who asked the question.

  10. ignore all these people. they dont believe. if you KNOW you can do it, then you can.

    take a piece of paper, or tinfoil, and balance it on a thumbtack(fold it a few times) then channel your energy to make it spin. this is the easiest thing to do since there is so little friction, itl only take a couple of hours to master. start out small, dont expect it to happen fast unless you meditate on a regular basis and can chanel your energy very very well.

    good luck.

    p.s.-i can do it. it just takes time.  

  11. Cut yourself until you feel no more pain.  Only then can you reach the mental clarity to use telekenesis


  13. Ok, there are 3 very confusing steps to telekenesis!

    1. Go to your local Wal Mart and buy seven bottles of whipped cream

    2. Get in your car and drive to my house

    3. Give them to me!!!


  14. Get a pack of playing cards shuffle, go through the lot face down, visualize and then turn the card over. Once youv`e been through the whole pack and guessed 16 or more correctly it is safe to say you have developed telekenisis.

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