
HOW TO GET A flAT tummy!!?

by  |  earlier

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i im skinny already but i want to have some muscle. (i have like 0% muscl) so i do cardio yoga, i run and i do that ab lounge.

my stomach seems fat and it would look alot better flat and hard.

also i want my legs tighter.

anything else i can do?




  1. Losing weight is easier than most people think. I want you to take a look at the best diets for people who want to lose weight quick and easy. You can lose 9 pounds in just 11 days. Check it out at

    It will really help you get on the right path and it’s absolutely free.

    Hope this helps!

  2. You want a tight tummy? Do Pilates! Plain and Simple :)

    Hmmm...I feel that way about Yoga...I've always preferred Pilates. I swear by it for a flat tummy. Apple juice is loaded with sugar, but I personally don't cut back on anything I want to eat or drink (as long as it's in moderation). I feel like this: If you stop eating the stuff you like to eat and exercise like mad to lose weight, then as soon as you indulge...all the weight will come back. I love candy, chocolate, cookies, muffins, bread...seriously...the list goes on :P I don't deprive myself of a brownie if that's what I want...but I do continue to exercise. Never had a problem with that working.

    Oh and the reason I suggested pilates is because it is mainly a core (ab) workout. If you are focusing just on your tummy...then I think it would work.

  3. do pushups and run a lot replace the apple juice with pure water set goals say "Im going to run a mile tomorrow"

  4. Eat healthier and cut down on junk food, such as replacing potato chips and chocolate with fruit. You'll see a world of difference.

    Watch how many soft drinks you consume. Consider flavored water as an alternative if you must.

    Do aerobic exercise daily at a 30 minute minimum and include 1-2 day(s) rest break each week. Anything that brings your heart rate up. Take up dancing, running,, tae-bo. (Power walking will only build your legs.)

    Eat lots of lean protein (like beans and nuts - have some meat, it is rather good for you as long as you do not eat the fat!), fruits and dark vegetables, and whole wheat breads and grains. They keep you fuller longer than white breads like in cakes, cookies, and sweets. Also, stay away from dairy products.

    To better work the entire abdominal region, vary your exercises: crunches work the upper abdomen; leg raises work the lower abdomen; side bends work the obliques (also known as love handles).

    It is better to aim at burning fat altogether since it is impossible to spot train. And sure, you can do 100 daily crunches. But if you've got a layer of fat covering up your ab work, then what's the point? You need to burn the stomach fat to see the changes.

    Consider some form of anaerobic exercise, as well. Some simple resistance training, or light weight lifting, will not only help you burn fat more efficiently, but tone up the rest of your body as well.

    Raising your metabolic rate is crucial. The higher your metabolic rate, the more energy (and thus fat) you'll burn even when you aren't doing anything. Try compound exercises like deadlifts with heavier weights.

    To increase your metabolic rate, increase the frequency of your meals to 6-8 times a day. Every 2 to 3 hours injest a small meal. This increased frequency, will put your metabolisim into overdrive. WARNING do not over-eat... small meals only. For greatest effect only eat carbohydrates before 2pm, from then on, only proteins.

    Do crunches every day. You must be consistant or else it won't work. The only person holding you back from your dream stomach is you!

    Do a lot of cardio

    For more info search for "Flat Stomach" on Google

    Eat at least two hours before your sleep fat wont burn well while asleep


    Get someone to workout with you so you'll inspire each other. If you can't find anyone, try imagining you are with someone you know, a celebrity, or an athlete with abs you admire (this usually works better than actually working out with said athlete). Pretend they're there with you as you work out.

    Music will also do wonders to get a workout moving along! Make sure it's upbeat and motivating.

    While crunches are good for your abdominal muscles, make sure that you have a well rounded weight loss program. Millions of crunches won't help if you eat buckets of ice cream everyday!

    Be patient! Some people find it harder to obtain a flat stomach than others, as this is dependent on your own personal fitness level.

    Doing crunches on an exercise ball will specifically target your abdominal muscles, while doing them on the floor strengthens mostly hip muscle. Just the act of balancing on the ball alone will help tone abdominal muscles.


    Do not starve yourself! If you do, your results will be temporary and you will feel frustrated sooner (and will give up quicker) And when you starve yourself, your body goes into something called "Starvation Mode" and it causes your body to slow down your metabolism (the thing that digests your food) and causes minimal weight loss. While you might think that by not eating completely is most effective, in essence, it could do permanent harm to your body as well as make it hard to keep off the weight.

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