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I have been trying to get Jerry Springer tickets for a while now...I have emailed but gotten no response and I have called and never gotten through to talk to anyone. Any suggestions as how to get these tickets?

Its one of my favorite shows and tapes here in my hometown of Chicago, and I have family coming from out of town who would love to go.




  1. Getting Jerry Springer tickets by phone: Call 312-321-5365 to request tickets and to get more information about taping schedule.

    Getting tickets by mail: Send your mailing address, phone number, number of tickets and date desired to Jerry Springer Show (Tickets), 454 N. Columbus Drive, 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL 60611.

    Getting tickets online: You may also request tickets online through the Jerry Springer Show website.

  2. Check the info Summer gave, its quite thorough.

    Something you have to remember, getting tickets to the Jerry Springer show requires ALOT of waiting and patience.  I read a blog about it a few years ago and a person working on the set said that they get SO many entries from people wanting to see the show.  The waiting list is terribly long, if you remember a popular kids show called the Bozo show, its the same way.  It may be a year or so before you get tickets.  You might like to try and find out his personal email address and try to appeal to him that way.  

    Check out the internet often, especiall  I'm sure someone would sell a ticket.

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