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Breakups are sad phases in the lives of people. When these phases happen, people tend to shut down from the world and grief, which is perfectly alright to do but at times these phases tend to go for longer periods and in extreme cases some don't recover. Breakups are hard but you've got to rise up and here are steps to get over them;
Acceptance: Accepting the situation at hand, that the relationship is over is the first step to healing. Knowing there's nothing you can do about it except to move on gracefully.
Feel the pain: It is important to express yourself emotionally. Emotions exist for a reason, don't leave them bottled up, if you need to cry, scream, or shout to express yourself, do so. Another way to express yourself is when you write what you're feeling or sing if you can. (Great songs had come out from breakups. Example; Adele )
Support system: This is one of the most important tools to help you recover. Support systems.They are your family and friends. You need them, in times like this. Staying alone and shutting yourself away from the world would prevent you from the opportunities the world is offering and you don't want to miss out on it all. For example; going for outings, family vacations,or adventure trips with friends. Do the things you never had time to do when you were in your former relationship.
Heal: This is what this post is about, that you heal, take your time to grief and then move on, learn from this experience. Don't over analyze the situation, and wonder about the ifs and the whys. Keep busy, Go to a gym class, or dance class, cookery lessons or better still go on a trip to clear your mind, just don't wallow in grief and frustrations and wonder about "the could have beens and the I should haves". Start again from a new perspective, think postively and forge ahead.
Always about you: Everything you do is for you, not to show your ex that you've really moved on. Do it for yourself because you want to grow. Don't go into rebound dating either. Take your time to learn things about yourself. Love yourself more and make yourself your first prority.
Move on: Yes, move on. Start afresh and start a whole new life. Your world is not over, despite the time or age. Always remenber:" someone out there is fighting for life, and you've got the opportunity to start again.
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Latest activity: 9 years, 3 month(s) ago. This question has 1 answers.