
HOW TO GET RID OF ACNE IN 3 DAYS !!! chris gibson what are you suppose to do ?! as well as other acne cures?

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heyy everyonee schools starting i have minor acne and i am seriously worried my orientation for highschool is in four days and i really need to be blemish free. any how if anyone can tell me what Chris Gibson this author dude wrote in his cure for acne . as well if you have your own cures fast ones !!! ps: makeup doesn't work so well thxx :)




  1. Use a daily micro-bead face wash for day and night. Then use CLEAN & CLEAR INVISIBLE BLEMISH TREATMENT (maximum strength) on the acne/pimple.  Let it dry, then use a face lotion.  Aveeno has good ones that won't clog your pores or dry your skin.  

    Make sure you wash your face at night too.  If you use makeup, use a makeup cleaner/face wash then use the Micro-bead face wash again.  Re-apply the CLEAN & CLEAR INVISIBLE BLEMISH TREATMENT.  

    It must be used at least twice a day.

    Don't eat oily or greasy food.  No fried food.  Drink lots of water.  Water actually helps clear your face too!

    It takes time and work to keep a healthy and beautiful face.  

    Good luck!

  2. proactive or nuetrogena complete acne treament

  3. so idk if this is too late but depending on how serious your acne is this could clear it up in less than three days. i know it sounds weird but i tried it and it worked miracles. just dab a little Colgate toothpaste on the area before bed. it should dry and then suck some of the oil and such out. by the morning it should be drastically improved or even gone.

  4. I used Clinque, and that worked WONDERS.

  5. oh you must try on The Body Shop's Tea Tree regimen coz tea tree is specially made up for skin with blemishes, whiteheads ,blackheads and oily skin. it really worked on my skin whre my skin will float with oil. but now no more coz i'm using the body shop's tea tree regimen. they have concealers made up by tea tree to prevent your skin from being worsening.

    good Luck. their product X contains too much chemicals and skin don't dry up your precious skin too.

    This Himalaya Herbs Neem Face Pack is also ideal for acne and blemish skin. Specially formulated for acne-prone skin, it prevents outbreak and recurrence of pimples. Rejuvenates and firms up the skin. Imparts natural glow.

    Neem well known for its antibacterial properties, helps in controlling acne and pimples, by regulating excess oil secretion and clearing clogged pores. Turmeric acts as an antiseptic and improves complexion. Fuller's earth cools and soothes the skin.

  6. u can do this in the shower.

    1st get a cloth,doesnt matter wic one.

    2nd wet it with hot water(the top of the shower ) or bottom

    every time it gets hot..not too hot..put it on your pimples/face

    keep doing that for a week..your pimples are going to get smaller

    the same thing happened to me..because the hot water opens up your


    by the way..NO toothpaste it only works for some made my skin dry till dis day me,u DONT want to do that. lol. good luck girl. hope your face glows/looks nice when school starts..

  7. Hey:D

    Everyone get spots ovbiously:L


    What i use is simple it's so good on my skin but that's because i have sensitive skin! and it's great it really does work.

    but the biggest tip for anyone out there is don't mix!

    now that i use simple i don't want to use anything else (:

    and also.. if school is starting soon and your worried just wear a bit of make-up don't cover yourself though

    hope i helped:D


  8. People make all kinds of suggestions about the best thing to do to cure acne.  Some cures I’ve heard include putting oatmeal, honey, lemon juice, tea tree oil, cucumber, vinegar, milk of magnesia or toothpaste on your face.  Practically every cosmetics company and company that makes personal care products makes something that is a “sure cure” for acne.  If we think about this, and use some common sense, we have to come to the conclusion that there is no quick or easy cure for acne, because if there was it would be well known and doctors would be telling everyone about it.  

    Numerous companies make a lot of money persuading people to buy products that at worst will make the acne worse, and at best may help some people a little.  Often fewer products are better.  People often make their acne much worse by using too many products.  There really is no quick fix for acne.  Don’t spend a lot of money on products just because their ads say that they will cure acne.  Your doctor is the best person to ask for help, and he or she may recommend some prescription medication or non-prescription treatment that may be suitable for you..  

    There are some very simple and basic things you can do that cost nothing.  Keep your face or any other area affected by acne very clean.  Any mild antibacterial soap will help with that.  Rinse the area well to remove all soap residue.   Drink plenty of water – it really does help to clear up acne.  Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep.  A healthy life style will make a difference.  Try to reduce the stress in your life – stress contributes to acne, so also probably the more you worry about the acne and focus on it, the worse it will be.  

    Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.  

    Here are a few informative links with additional ideas about preventing and treating acne.

  9. I dont know that Chris dude but I use Wexler Acne stuff from Bath And Body works- labels say all!

    Good Luck


  10. I'm not sure about Chris Gibson, but if I need to get rid of pimples fast I usually use a cream with a high percentage of benzoyl peroxide, around 10%. It dries up pimples right away, but it might dry up your skin a little, so keep moisturizer on hand.

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