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she is not intrest to study




  1. You should put her in a camp or something!

    Play games with her and try to brighten up her personality.

    Don't go to far and mess it up, but have fun with her and see if she enjoys it.  

  2. if she likes candy, get her to do flash cards with you. maybe 10 a day. she could get 1 jelly bean every time she gets a question right. thats what my mom used to do with me.

  3. What is she interested in? Try to find a way to tie in her interests with learning. It might peak her interest a bit more.

  4. maybe she is taking after you. You couldn't even bother to use spell check!

  5. First - call your local community college - take some spelling classes and show her how much fun you are having.

  6. I think you are saying, "How do I TEACH my daughter?  She is not interested in studying."

    Don't mind the folks who write that you need to use perfect English.  Your name suggests you are not from this country.

    So.  If she won't study, is there any thing at all that she really likes to do?  For instance, watching TV, listening to radio, playing with certain friends, going to places she enjoys playing?  I hope you get my idea.

    She will not be happy, but you could insist that school work be completed before she starts playing or doing whatever it is she likes the most.  Take those things away and only return them after she's finished studying.  Lot's of parents in the USA use that type of discipline.

    Give it a try, but remember she's not going to like it at first.  That means you have to stay calm.

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