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IM going to a new public school and just wana know how to make fends thanks!!




  1. Dont be too quiet but dont be too loud. Stay in between so people DONT think your some kind of non-talking freak but they DONT think ur some loud obnoxious kid either. People ussually remember first impressions- so if you have some acne buy some stuff for it preferably the "Clean and Clear" brand. Also wear a cool tee shirt and jeans and cool shite sneakers on the first day. And remember to always be KIND! D0 NOT give anyone rude remarks because then they wont like you. Be polite and nice :) Have some small talk with people like if they sit next to you maybe or somthan say "Hey im Zach" after a little while. Hopefully they'll say what there name is then you could say like "Cool...Have you always gone to this school?" OR "Cool... what school did you go to before this one?" Start a simple convo like that and you neverr know- it could lead to a good friendship! Also- get involed in sports if your good or other activities. Good luck! (Dont try to hard to be "cool" just be nice and yourself) <3

  2. just be yourself and be nice,

    don't be afraid to go up to people

    because you never know

    they could look s****.

    but could be the nicest person.

    smile, clean clothes, deodorant

    don't walk away frompeople

    or try to ignore them

    when they try to talk to you.

    that's all i can say and the rest is up tp you!

    good luck!!!!!!!

  3. All you have to do is be a pretty chill and friendly person. Talk to everyone, talk about what they like to do and what you like to do. You instantly make new friends because you guys will have things in common! If you don't try to make friends in the beginning, it's harder because everyone just sees you as the "new kid" and don't want to be friends with you. I hope you make friends!  

  4. just be yourself and don't be shy someone will come up to you i know how you feel i verly moved to another city and that is how i felt but now i feel happy that i met o whole bunch of people.

  5. join a club and talk to others when you can.

  6. to quote Ralph Waldo Emerson "one way to have friends is to become one"...^_^  

    just be a friend and always smile

    God Bless!

  7. be yourself!

    get involved in clubs and sports

    and dont be shy! go volunteerly talk to ppl who seem willing to talk to you!

    best of luck!

    : )

  8. The easiest way to get A Friend is to Be One. If You show people that You Care by Heart for Them & You are Indeed A Helping Person, You will get many friends, not only in these school days but in the path of your whole life's journey. Just remember A Person always have plenty of True Friends who possess a caring heart, an understanding mind & someone who is a good listener. Coz in these speed age people hardly find time for listening to others problems. But if you lend Your shoulder to someone, you will get someone's shoulder back toofor yours to lean on.  

  9. Try getting into sports and after school activities. I know what its like being the new kid  and it is hrd to make friends but just be yourself and talk to people, and maybe someone will even try to be friends with you! Good luck and I hope you enjoy your new school

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