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help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz(no no drugs suggestion)




  1. well i knw that u can study bt u shud frst leave this net fever!


    i mean it!!!


  2. First pal, You are awake for at least 6 hours a day, so you just study. If other things occupy your time that are impossible to cancel (like a job or something), then you will have to use drugs ( All drugs aren't bad pal, givem a try) Start with caffeine, then if that doesn't work, ask around your block for ritalin or ice.

  3. First dont waste your time on Yahoo Answers

  4. Hum.... no idea, i got my bachelor degree doing quality studying instead of quantity.... just doing my homework and reading what was assigned for each lecture. Yes, during exams I had to study really hard (and cursed the teachers)... but I also took my breaks and music was always a must (impossible for me to study in libraries). Coffee helps, but don't abuse (it may stop working on you.... a friend of mine knows that). If you have a friend you're really good studying with, it's excellent.. you can explain each other's doubts, in your own terms.. a LITTLE chat won't harm, and also helps you to memorize (my best friend and I were a good team... we made it in chemistry because of sailor moon.... the bad news is that we started laughing at a question during the exam hahahaha), but if you just distract each other, bad, bad idea.

    One day during college, i tried to study really really hard in advance, so I had about a gallon of coffee at around 6 p.m (I'm sensitive to caffeine, it really keeps me awake), result? Well, It was 4 a.m, not sleepy at all, my eyes wide open spending hours just to realize what was written in one 4-line paragraph (not good). I finally decided to take a relaxing shower (to get sleepy), have a glass of warm milk, sleep well and continue studying the next day (and swore not to use that stupid coffee tactic again in my lifetime). By the way, that paragraph was a piece of cake the next day.

    Good luck!

  5. - Dont do that 6 hours in a go.. do 1-1:30 hour then take a break..

    - dont keep doing same subject again and agian

    - schedule.. and try to follow that schedule....

    - keep water (and if wish some eatable) with you.. dont let you move for that 1-1:30 hour session.

    - relax with music if you want.

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