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Hiya il keep this short and simple. How do you tell a guy your not interested in him anymore?




  1. Go away...shoo

  2. see someone else

  3. **** off :)

  4. I'm sorry but i'm not looking for a relationship right now.......perhaps not the whole truth, but i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.. :p

  5. "I don't like you" but even that doesn't ward of guys.

    So sometimes you need to take the bitchy approach.

    "I don't effin like you now! Now go away!"

  6. Tell him you enjoy hanging out with him as a friend, but you don't really have feelings for him other than that, and you'd rather just be friends.

  7. Tell him to suck it up and get over you

  8. That ***** with the first answer needs to **** off ;) just because were guys doesnt mean we dont have feelings *****.Tell him nicely,tell him the truth

  9. Well face to face, is polite and classy. Public place in case he doesn't take it well. Be direct polite, and final!. The guy has to know this is not a ploy, that this is you wanting to see if he will fight for you (that's the first question that goes through our mind)!

    If he asks be simple and direct for the reason. Give him one he can absorb and it's easier to let it go. (i.e. I'm still trying to figure out what I want, I'm wanting to just have fun now, and I know you want more, and this isn't fair to you, I love being with but there are just too many differences for what we want in life, and I have too much respect for both of us to waste any more of either of our time) or whatever your style is.

    Keeping in mind it won't be easy if he still likes you, but try to show him the same courtesy you would want from a guy you really liked that dumps you! :)

  10. im not interested!?

  11. I'm not interested in you any more. Bye

  12. lets just be friends

  13. plain simple and to the point, you tell him. so it hurts a little him and his buds go have a drink or 5, then it's a done deal, he gets over it and moves many times a day do you see q's asking how do i get my gf back, or what did she mean etc? too many! walk up to the dude smile and say" listen dude. you seem like a nice enough guy and all, and we had a few moments, but i'm totally not into you. so we share the planet, breathe the same air and stuff, but that is about as personal as i want our interactions to be. no hard feelings intended, so i hope none are taken. been a slice , enjoy your life."

  14. just say ur not intrested...

  15. Just tell him that he is a great guy but not what you are looking for.

    And you want to explore other alternatives.

  16. "I'm not interested in you. sorry"

  17. Talk to him and say you dont really think its working out and say u much prefured it when you were friends he might feel the same way hope this helped babe xx

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