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i bought waxing strips for my leg hairs, and i follow the instructions which say "rub it in your hands for 20seconds before removing it and pasting it on your skin the direction of hair growth.

But how!!!?? how do i "rub" the strip in my hands!?!??! I tried to do that, but that sticky substance refuses to come off, and then when i pasted it on my skin, it was eeky and it couldnt pull anything off!!!!!!!!!!!

that sticky substance also remained on my skin, and i cant get it offfff!?!?

someone explain to me how i'm supposed to get that thing off the plastic??????? how is it supposed to be like?!!!!!!




  1. a waxing strip has two sides...

    but stuck together as one...

    when it says rub it...

    your basically just trying to warm it up

    so by rubbing your hands together with the strip in between warms it up

    then... from the top or bottom of the strip

    you pull the two parts of the strip apart...

    then you use one of the two parts

    and put it on your skin...

    and then rub in the direction the hairs grow...

    so now with one hand... rub it upwards wards..

    do that for a few seconds then pull it off quick

    the slower you do it... the more it will hurt

    and the more the sticky stuff will stay on your skin...

    sometimes in the waxing boxes...

    you get little packets of wipes...

    they are usually good at getting the sticky stuff off

    and sooth the skin...

    and if that doesnt work...

    then one of my friends have said that she used toothpaste to get it off...

    and apparently it worked...


    hope this helped

    and if your still stuck then i think you should go to a beauty salon

    and get a beautician to advise you on what to do

    good luck hun

    sara x*x

  2. my advice is go to the beauty salon and get a proffesional to do it. that will minimize the pain and mess.

    i tried it once and would never do it myself again or let anyone else wax me unless they were a proffesional and even then dont go to a place that uses the wax strips. they really hurt. there is another sort of wax that is just hot wax without the strips. it is much less painfull.

  3. put the strip in ur hand... rub ur hand together like u really cold push ur hand together really hard so hard that ur arms should hurt.... keep rubbing go for 30 second to be safe... then pull the strip apart slowly and press it on the hair the u would like to remove put down firmly u few but in the direction that ur hair grows... then pull the strip off quickly but in the opposite diction that ur hair grows...

  4. 1. put the strip (both sides facing in so there should be no stickiness what so ever) in your other palm over the stop and rub your hands together as if you felt cold!

    2. seperate the 2 strips. Put one to one side and the other down on your leg. the way your hairs fall naturally is the growth pattern. place the strip down as if it were one of the hairs...lying down next to the rest! you will then pull in the opposite direction...

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