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WHAT DID HE DO IN THE PLAY.. N HOW . be despcriptive plz....... ineeeeeed helppppp!!!!!!!pLEASEEEEEEEe




  1. !!! You might do better posting this  question in a category that deals with drama or literature.

    The word "noble" has different meanings.  One meaning is you are noble if you are born into an aristocratic family with a title.

    Another meaning has to do with a person's ethical conduct and values, being honest, unselfish etc.. I think this is the meaning you're looking for because you say "what did he do in the play?" .

    Considering what i said about what 'noble' means, how do you think he acted that way?

    Hey, do you mean Marc Antony?  would it be Shakespeare's Julius Caesar?  

    EDIT: I'm rather fond of Antony. He might not have been the brightest bulb in the pack but at least didn't join in the plot and betray his leader. Even if you think Caesar is a tyrant he was better than some of his opponents and most of the people plotting against him were pretty darned unpleasant and out for power for themselves...except for the really dim bulbs who were so deluded as to think the Republic was really coming back.  Scuse me, i get a bit worked up on the subject.

    And anyway Antony the character gets a great Shakespeare speech.

  2. Heres a description of him you decide:

    I dont think he was noble except that he was born into a "noble" family {rich powerful etc}

  3. This is the Royalty section, I think you might get a better response to your question in the Homework Section.  And, don't forget to use the "Check Spelling" feature.

    best of luck to you!

  4. Do you mean Mark Anthony who was Queen Cleopatra's lover?

  5. he ws related to czar?

  6. The noblest Roman of them all was Marcus Brutus.  He fought not for himself, but to persevere the Republic of  Rome.

    In contrast Antony was a power hungry wannabe dictator who manipulated people for power.  In short he wasn't

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