
HOW come I'm getting so many "THUMBS DOWN"?

by  |  earlier

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Hi Boofus, let's hide under tthe table..

the royalists will sttart shootin' the fan now LOL




  1. i dont it's either your giving bad answers or it's so r****d trying to run you down

  2. people disagree with you

  3. The trolls on Y!A think it's funny... wait until you see how many you get in your answers for simply posting this question...

  4. Who could thumbs down cute little you? It must be an ugly old troll... here's a star to cheer you up!

  5. maybe it's the attitude you just expressed in your 'explanation,' sparky

  6. People may not like or agree with what you are saying.

    Try not to take it too personally. A lot of what is said can easily be misinterpreted. Maybe look at how you answer questions, your words. Maybe you can improve how you express yourself on here and you will get less thumbs down.

  7. because you are rude.

    you hate orangemen, you hate britain, irelands great. we get it.

  8. I don't know I 've never met you. Are you stupid, dense, thick or is it just because you give answers people don't really want to hear. Hhmmm!!!

  9. What???

  10. Keep your head down.

  11. Je ne sais pas de quoi tu parles.

    No,no,no,je suis innocente.Mon bebe avait apuiyer sur le petit dessin de main par erreur.

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