

by  |  earlier

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ookayy i have 2 dayys b4 school startss and i have been puttingg off getting back on sleep trackk and today my dads like u only have 2 days

soo do u people have any suggestions?

btw, i go to bed at 4am and wake up around 2 pm

but i need to go to bed at

10pm and wake up at 6am

whut do i doo!?!?!?!?!?!?




  1. Well, this is the way I do it...

    Each day wake up earlier. If you only have two days, one day wake up at 7 and the next 6. That way you kind of prepare your body to wake up. I know it is hard,  but WILL POWER!!! You have to make yourself do it, whether it wants to or not. Oh, and don't forget to set your alarm clock, that can really mess you up! Happy New Year, good luck, and God bless!

  2. just do it, your body will adjust. Start tonight, go to bed when youare supposed to and wake up when you need to.

    You may need to cat nap a bit but, well you are young, you can handle it.

  3. You'll have to force yourself to get up at 6 tomorrow morning, and force yourself not to nap.  By the time 9pm rolls around, you'll FEEL like sleeping.  Then you'll be on schedule.

  4. Tools

    1. Alarm Clock

    2. Comfy Bed


      Get into your comfy bed at 10:00 and use you alarm clock to wake up at 6:00. Even though you may not actually get to sleep for a while STAY in bed from 10:00 to 6:00 and even if you want to get up late make sure to GET UP at 6:00.

    TIP. You may exchange tool 1 ( alarm Clock) with a person, pillow, alarm clock, and ice, and instructions to wake you up. That should do just the thing.

  5. i've had this problem quite a bit. one thing i did, though i'm not sure i recommend this is get a pack of unisom. take ONE capsule at 8pm. and you'll be asleep by 10 as long as you relax. doing that two days in a row should regulate your sleep.


    pull an allnight-allday without sleep and go to bed at 10pm. tomorrow. its hard, but it works.

  6. stay up all night an all day then you should be extra tired then at the time you should go to bed you'll fall asleep quicker if you can't stay up all night and day take freezing cold showers for about 10 minuite every 2 hours and drink a lot of caffine and/or get sugar high tehe thats wat i do

  7. Tonight, force yourself to lay in bed doing nothing and set an alarm for 8 AM.

    Hopefully that will get you sleepy tomorrow.

    But, don't take a nap tomorrow and you'll be sleepy enough at 10 PM!

  8. Go to bed at 10 PM, and make sure you never skip English/grammar class!!!

  9. Like i did 8 years ago i got up at 5:00am to get ready the bus ran at 7:00am, so i went bed at 8:00pm

  10. I often have had this problem, as i've worked midnights while going to university full time. Its obviously impossible to go to bed when your not tired, so i don't expect that you do that. Also i am strongly against taking some sort of sleeping pill - nothing good comes from them. So i would do one of two options. If you think you can stay up for a long period of time, just don't go to bed one night, and try to stay active the entire next day, this will keep your mind and body away from sleep, but make you pass out at a reasonable hour. Or, go to bed at your regular time 4am, and set your alarm for 8 am, if you think you can get up, youll be so tired at this day you will go to bed at a reasonable hour. If you drink a coffee or espresso first thing in the morning your set.

  11. 1. Set your alarm for 8 am for two days.

    2. Get up as soon as it rings, no laying around.

    3. No naps.  

    4.  go to bed at 11 or 12 for 2 days.

  12. For the next two nights, just go to bed at 9 or something earlier and set the alarm for 6. good luck.

  13. take a pill of melatonin an hour before you want to go to sleep.  it will help reset your circadian rhythm.

  14. force yourself...that's the only way..strong will...Alarm clock...just think...if you don't...then things will get hectic & way off track.

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