
HOW do i get ride of those tiny bugs affected by light/(BESIDES TURNING THE LIGHT OFF)?

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HOW do i get ride of those tiny bugs affected by light/(BESIDES TURNING THE LIGHT OFF)?




  1. get one of those bug zappers

  2. Old fashion

    - hang a transparent plastic bag with full of water near the light

    New fachion

    - switch on bug's protection sound ware device.

  3. Off mesquito coils (outside use) - not sure if they work on all bugs, but they are awesome!

  4. Use fly paper.

    In the tropics, we have a problem with flying termites that come out the day after rain. (Even those who eat them can have a problem!) They leave their wings all over your floors and crawl everywhere- even start hills in your home.

    One trap is a big basin or tub of water under the light.

    They are attracted to the light and its refection, and soon drop in, and can't get out.

    The "net" used by the termite eaters to catch them undamaged is a broom made of palm leaf spines, commonly used to sweep one's homes, whip spinach broth, clean cobwebs and toilets (Tip: Use DIFFERENT brooms- and NEVER get them mixed up!) You get a bundle of them, and tie them near one end, and twist it, so the ends splay out.

    Makes an excellent all-purpose broom.

    If you shorten the spines, it is more and more like a brush.

    You twist the spines to open the broom, so the bugs can fly into it. When you close the spines, the bugs are trapped, and you can carry them to a bin, and open it again and shake them out into it.

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