
HOW do you REALLY know WHO reported your post, and WHY???

by  |  earlier

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grow up people...




  1. To the tune of "Martha My Dear"

    by Paul McCartney and John Lennon (this one is pure Paul).

    "Reenie, my dear, can we spend

    these days in contemplation please,

    remember these, Reenie my dear...

    Take a good look around...

    And you will see...

    We will outlast these..

    Emen Effers..."

  2. To avoid your account being suspended, you should keep your questions and answs private.

    All someone has to do is get omnto your profile, and report as much of your Q's and A's as they want. Yahoo! Answers detects that because so many of your Q's and A's have been reported, thereis offensive content in there, so they suspend your account.

    Thast why I keep all of my stuff private :]


  3. Today I am drinking good wine and am therefore smiling.

  4. That's the kick in the AZZ!!! You don't know,,,,,Not for sure anyway,,,,Someone is who jealous of your posts

    Someone that refuses to GROW UP & thinks everything is a joke  Thinks what he does is funny Assuming that it is a male Has no respect for others

    I feel bad this happened to you ,,,,,,Whoever it is they are SCUM ,,,,,,,A real low-life

  5. If you got reported then I am sorry because you are one of the kindest people here in Y!A and I'm certain you didn't deserve it.  The thing is...You don't know who does the reporting and that's how they planned it.  It could be a troll, someone who objects to the Q/A, it could be from someone who felt attacked and feels the need to retaliate (I'm not implying that you do this), it could be a Y!A bot programmed to remove a question that is not asked the "right" way, or it could be a "Trusted Reporter" who spends their time on Y!A trolling for Q/A to report.  I'm just throwing out different scenarios here because it seems lately that there have been an awful lot of assumptions and accusations about who did what to whom and who is really who.  My point is that you can't possible's all speculation.

    ***Addition:  The same could be said for the thumbs down.  For example:  I could just as easily read this question and all the answers, give whomever I want a thumbs down and then move on having never answered the question at all.  No one should ever assume that the thumbs down or the report came from someone who answered the question.  Most likely, it came from someone who didn't.  I say this because, in my personal dealings with Y!A, they take reports more seriously when the reporter does not respond to the question.  A Y!A staff told this to me personally when I had my own personal troll to deal with.

  6. Sorry to hear this Reenie if you were reported.

    I guess we can only speculate on who & why.

    Last week I received one for an answer & YA sent two violations for the same answer. Down 24 points. How can they do that?

    I even appealed & got the reply that they always sent out so that just proved to me they don't even read our appeals.

    I have a pretty good idea who reported me since her & I don't see eye to eye & she answered the same question as I had.

    This user is an adult, but seems to be very childish. It was a shame she doesn't accept emails

    Shrug it off Reenie & just know you are a better person than the jealous reporter.

  7. Isn't  it odd how, when some peoples heads get to big, (first poster), they can't see their ego in front of their faces.

    Sorry about what happened Renee, consider the source, whoever it may be. What goes around, comes around.

    God bless. <><

  8. It's unjust not to know.  Under law, we have the due right to see our antagonist.    

  9. I have no idea who reported my post about some person who was being mean and hateful to the Atheists.  I will admit, my post was rather sarcastic and mean, but it was a question......... <G>

    And frankly I don't care who reported it <G>

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