
HOW do you do tricks on a surfboard? Please explain! I need help with duckdiving too!!!! Please HELP ME?

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I'm not afraid to try anything and please tell me about all of thet ricks and how to do them! this is to all u surfers out there!!! i'll try anything but umm... it needs to be in waves smaller than 5 ft!!!! please!! im just 10!




  1. Watch a lot of videos, then spend a day on 1 single trick until you master it. Then, on to the next trick. Practice, Practice, Practice! Skateboarding helps as well! If you know how to do an off the lip (snap) then try to kick out your tail so that you can do a tail slide. Once you learn/master a trick, get a little creative with it later. For instance: incorporate a 360 in a floater or a barrel. It takes some time but be sure to only practice one trick at a time. If it doesn't seem like you will be able to do it, don't give up, you might just be having an off day which happens to the best of us. Just try again the next day. Also, make friends with better surfers. It is hard to get better if you don't surf around or with people that are better than you.

    Duckdiving is the same, you just need to practice at it. You can practice duckdiving even when there are no waves to duck under so you should be able to pick it up pretty quickly. Just push down with both hands and use one of your knees to push you under the water then pull up with both hands. Hope that helps!

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